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What can computational neuroscience tell us?

There's a lot of research going on in all of neuroscience right now, of course, but I wonder if you could touch on computational neuroscience. Are there insights from computational neuro that can lead to tools we can use in our daily lives, or is the field still too theoretical to have much practical benefit?

Red Light Quality?

Loved your episode: Using Light (Sunlight, Blue Light & Red Light) to Optimize Health | Huberman Lab Podcast #68. However, there are so many levels of lights. If using your recommended levels of red and infrared, is the efficacy of every light the same?

grounded sheets

Is there any science behind benefits from grounded sheets?

Validity of science backing heat as male contraception

Q: What is your take on the science backing heat as an effective contraceptive for males? Background: It's well known that applying heat to the testes is detrimental to fertility, which begs the question of whether heat can be used to prevent pregnancies. And sure enough, I found several studies showing that it can. In most of the studies, they used some method of lifting the testes to the body for most of the day, ensuring they mostly stay at body temperature. After 2-3 months, pregnancies were effectively prevented, without any other adverse effects, such as on testosterone levels. Moreover, the effect was found to be reversible in a few weeks. To me, this seems like a great contraceptive option. However, the lack of new studies since the 90's, and the fact that nobody seems to suggest this method makes me doubtful. I'd be curious to hear your take on the science. I'm both interested in it as a primary and as a backup contraceptive.

EMDR Side Effects

First of all, I would love for you to do a podcast completely about EMDR to help with trauma. I was thinking I saw that you had covered this some for relaxation. I started EMDR about a month ago. We are covering light topics... nothing too heavy yet... However, I have been having a lot of physical side effects. I expected to have more "emotional" side effects. However, it's the opposite. I am actually very, very "chill" since I have started the process. However, I am COMPLETELY exhausted and almost foggy. After this last session, I woke up in the middle of the night with extreme body aches, almost like I had the flu. I don't want to give up on this process. I am an 8th grade teacher, which is already exhausting. I wait tables part-time. And the exhaustion has affected my workout routine. I don't have time to just stop my life because of the side effects from EMDR. What is your take on this?