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with Huberman Lab Premium

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How to optimize (quite intense) intentional weightgain.

How would you build a healthy, but relatively quick strategy for increasing body weight (for a woman who needs both fat, muscle mass and support for hormone function, training actively, no eating disorder issues becides all the knowledge of not so good things about gaining weight))? Several topics always deal with calculating weightloss, but rarely do you get instructions to the contrary. How to still take into account healthy insulin sensitivity, fat values ​​in the blood, possible TRE, consuming carbohydrates in larger quantities also during the day, etc. Views and thoughts welcome!

Theanine and Coffee

You've spoken about Theanine before mainly in regard to sleep but I've heard you say different things about adding it to your coffee. Simply put is it good, bad, or neutral to add it? I find it helps tremendously.


Is there a scientific explanation to why bruxism occurs ? It is often linked to stress but stress and anxiety increases the severity of the bruxism. It is common in children and it stops is some adults and in some it continues. What is the underlying mechanism initiating the behaviour and suggestions to prevent them

Increasing Testosterone & Energy Levels

On the topic of Hormone Optimization and overall feeling better, the two supplements that are highlighted are Tongkat Ali – 400mg taken daily and Fadogia Agrestis – 600mg daily at the recommended dosages. With that said, I would love to hear your thoughts on the a similar herb, Coleus Forskohlii taken at 250mg @ 10 percent twice per day (50mg total). I have read about similar results from the studies coming out of Kanas City and would love to hear your thoughts on this supplement and its practicality and level of safeness. Cheers

Light to moderate alcohol consumption and dementia risk

Your alcohol podcast was incredibly compelling—my partner and I eliminated all alcohol after having been really enjoying a glass of wine together at night. But we saw this large study that just came out saying that abstinence is associated with a significantly GREATER risk of dementia. I am BURNING to know what you think of this study and others that seem to show light to moderate consumption is associated with reduced risk of dementia. It feels like I’m missing a huge part of the picture here, please help. I really enjoy wine and dementia runs in my family. Thank you in advance, and thanks for the work you do!