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with Huberman Lab Premium

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You once mentioned on another podcast that human lactation is equivalent to running an ultramarthon every few days

LOVE it and believe it as someone that breastfed triplets (absolutely the most metabolically demanding thing I will likely ever do) -but I was hoping for a citation so I can start sharing this piece of knowledge with others :)

An episode with Barbara Oakley author of A Mind for Numbers, Learning How to Learn, and others

and/or her co-professor on the popular Coursera Learning How to Learn course Terrence Sejnowski

The best research/evidence-based way to learn and teach mathematics

Reset - Endocrine System - Dopamine

I need help re-setting my system after 1 month of Stress - eating/alcohol/gambling, etc. ugh!

Gluten vs Glyphosate

5 years ago, through an unfortunate event and subsequent trial and error, I discovered that I had developed what I thought to be a severe gluten intolerance. If I consumed too much gluten, I had severe reactions (nausea, sweating, insufferable stomach pain, vomiting, blacking out from the nausea and pain, etc.). I could consume some with minor discomfort, but too much and it was bad. Over the course of the following years, I traveled to France, and Peru, and could eat as much gluten as I wanted with no negative consequences. I then began to wonder why. I have recently heard of the Glyphosate problem in the U.S. I am wondering if maybe that is my problem, rather than gluten. Several of my friends have developed similar issues in the last couple of years as well. I am wondering how to find out what the cause is, and how to treat it, since it is becoming more and more common for people in the U.S. every year. Thank you!