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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Could you do an episode on joint's health?

You could touch, among others, topics such as: supportive food, helpful types of exercise and recommended mobility routines. I would also wish to hear you debunk some myths. For example - is running/weight lifting detrimental to joints? Can you repair them after a period of prolonged neglect? Keep up good work, I enjoyed your recent episode with Gina Poe very much!

Hyperhidrosis and the relationship with anxiety

Hellow Andrew, i would like to know if you have any insight or scientific knowledge regarding the relationship between different types of primary hyperhidrosis and anxiety/hiperarousal states. What specific techniques, drugs or supplements would your recomend to implement in our daily life in order to lower our sympathetic system response on everyday "stressful" situations? Thus considering that benzodiacepines and betablockers have shown some positives results in controlling some types of hyperhidrosis.

Increasing dopamine for Parkinson's and other neurological disorders

My understanding is that disorders like Parkinson's result in the death and reduction of neurons that produce dopamine. You have discussed ways to increase dopamine - exercise, cold showers, etc. What methods for increasing dopamine apply to disorders like Parkinson's? Are there mechanisms that can protect these neurons? Are there mechanisms that can produce more neurons that create dopamine? Can other neurons be re-programmed to produce dopamine?

optimal spine alignment

Is there such a thing as optimal spine alignment? If so, how can we best achieve it (e.g. yoga, sit/stand desk, massage, chiropractic treatment etc.)? Does spinal alignment impact our nervous system in terms of sympathetic/parasympathetic dominance? Do degenerative and/or congenital spinal conditions have an impact on the nervous system? Thank you.

ADHD and nonstimulant meds (esp. alpha-2 agonists)

Hi Dr. Huberman, I love your content on ADHD and all the other dopamine-related knowledge and advice you've shared with us. I do have another question about focus and so-called executive functions, regarding medications like guanfacine or clonidine. Can you elaborate on how these medications help some people with ADHD? I am a little confused because my understanding is that the alpha-2 adrenergic receptors function as a negative feedback mechanism on neurotransmitter release. Given the role of norepinephrine in enhancing focus, as well as the success of stimulant medication, why would turning on the "brakes" of mental arousal help treat ADHD? Thanks!