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Better sleep 7 1/2 than 8 hours?

i am asking because of the ultradian cycles. also, how can one measure, in which time in a sleep phase one wakes up (e.g. always taking long to fall asleep, therefore no exact sleep start time can be specified to measure ultradian cycles)?

Adapting to climate zones and climate change

Dear Andrew, Thank you for your dedication to science and for effectively communicating complex issues to the general public. You are doing an outstanding job! I have been thinking about something for a while and wanted your insight. You often talk about the benefits of sauna and cold exposure, and I have tried it myself. While exposure to a sauna and cold exposure for 3-10 minutes is manageable, I find it challenging to handle sudden temperature changes over more extended periods, i.e., when traveling to different climate zones. It feels like a more extensive and strenuous version of visiting a sauna. You may understand what I mean as a fellow professor who travels frequently. With climate change, temperature fluctuations have become more frequent, and I wanted to know if there is any protocol or method to manage these changes faster. Or differently phrased to adapt more quickly to the fluctuant weather periods. I find it incredibly challenging and annoying, and any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for answering my question and for your continued contribution to the community. And, of course, for the community itself.

Bone healing after fracture and improving bone health

Dear Andrew, I am reaching out to you today because I recently broke my right arm, and as a result, I am currently limited in my movements. As someone deeply interested in biohacking and who has experience with muscle and tendon recovery, I have been searching for scientific literature on bone healing after a fracture. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any relevant information. This is where I hope you can help me. I am particularly interested in your thoughts and insights on the topic, including any relevant research and potentially even in the direction of neurology. Additionally, I am curious about the correlation between muscle mass and the severity of bone injuries and any recommendations you may have for improving bone health to reduce the likelihood of fractures. Thank you for all the hard work that you do in bringing scientific information to the general public. I truly appreciate it and look forward to hearing back from you.

Guest Suggestion: Longevity Episode with MD Andrea Britta Maier - National University of Singapore

It would be great to dive deeper into this topic with a perspective outside the US

How to gain weight while intermittent fasting?

How does one gain significant weight while doing intermittent fasting? I am one of the people, who are pretty underweight regarding to the BMI, but i also dont want to give up the longevity and health promoting benefits of Intermittent Fasting (Note: I was already a bit underweight before doing IF lost a maximum of 2-3 Kgs while doing it). I think, this is an issue for more people, than one would normally think. Would be awesome to get some general guidelines! Thanks a lot!