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Thoughts on multivatimins?

I’ve moved to Estonia from the UK and I feel like my health got worse, I’ve started taking a multivitamin however people tend to say they aren’t that good and that I should take separate vitamins, but that’s a lot more expensive. Thoughts?

Sleep Trackers “Time in Bed” vs “Time Asleep”and which is most accurate?

You say 7-9 hours of sleep is optimal. With wearables they will tell you time in bed vs time asleep. If you take a bit to fall asleep or are moving a lot it registers as not “asleep”. Is your recommendation for time asleep or time in bed? I understand this could be both, and how did the studies measure this? What are the most accurate sleep trackers? This guy says Apple Watch Series 8 is. Compared to the ECG.

Tony Buzan and speed reading

My employer recently sent me to a speed reading course based on the work of Tony Buzan. Supposedly, scanning groups of words instead of reading word by word, using a pointer and bionic texr helps to speed up reading up to 600-700 words/minute at max w/out losing comprehension and retention. Is this true? We can also turn off subvocalizing to increase speed but at the cost of comprehension. A deep dive on (speed) reading would be most welcome!

Difference between being tired (due to exercise) and being lazy.

Is there a way to assess when I should push through discomfort and start exercising and when I should rest to avoid overtraining and injury?

What would you do if you had Parkinson’s?

Dr Huberman—what would you do if you had Parkinson’s? I’m a long time follower, listener and fan, diagnosed with early-onset GBA PD 4 years ago and I’ve long been burning to know what you’d do to deal with symptoms as well as the progressive nature of the disease. Supplements, lifestyle hacks, out there experiential stuff. How would you approach the illness—who would be on your care team? Best, with respect, Cynthia