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Dark circles / Under-eye bags

Dr. Huberman, I am in my early 50s and I have had bags under my eyes for over two decades now. It appears I have inherited that from my mother. I can reduce the size of bags by applying tea bags or coffee grounds under my eyes. But the affect of that does not last long. Is there a permanent cure for this problem? FYI. I do sleep well for 6-7 hours a night, eat healthy, mostly unprocessed low carb diet and have not eaten sugar for over three years. Although I try to avoid alcohol, I end up drinking 1-2 drinks over the weekend. Could you point me to the reliable resource to address my issue or cover this in one of your future episodes please?

Link between menopausal sweat and alcohol

is there a link between menopausal night sweats and alcohol consumption?

Executive burnout

How would you advise individuals in mission critical and senior executive roles to manage burnout signs or recover from burnout? Often leaders are expected to be superhuman yet I often see them with health complaints or other challenges.

Is Collagen effective?

Collagen supplements are widely dispelled as useful because digestion breaks down the collagen. Other than the few grams of protein it can provide secondarily, is it effective at anything?

Nutritionally Complete Food such as Huel

What are your thoughts on food(s) labeled as "Nutritionally Complete" such as the brand name Huel (Human Fuel). These nutritionally complete foods tends to be high(er) in carbohydrates which is listed as a risk factor for insulin resistance. However, Huels glycemic index and glycemic load are listed as relatively pretty low. There have also been stories of people successfully living off 100% Huel. I have personally taken Huel since 2019 and felt significantly better in general health and mental function. (I felt even better after starting LMNT). So would you recommend Huel to someone looking for an easy meal throughout the day or would you tell them there is no effect on the body or would you suggest they stay away for whatever reason?