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Falling asleep during Yoga Nidra/NSDR/meditation + how much blue light is too much? +ADHDers need more sleep ?

Hi Andrew, Thank you so much for your work you've helped me transforming myself! However I'm a bit stuck on a problem: I often try to do NSDR/yoga nidra and meditation (focus and mindfulness) but often fall asleep at some point, even in the morning. I've tried different less comfortable position than lying down but still fall asleep. I don't always fall asleep directly, but it will certainly come after 2 to 10 minutes. Should I power nap instead? or nap then NSDR? For context, I use to be able to sleep 8-9hours at uni but now that I'm working it's more like 7hours of sleep daily. I wake up same time every day and get sunlight exposure. Btw I also snore just a little and don't qualify for sleep apnoea. The only thing I think damages my sleep is that I listen to podcasts and snack a bit before sleeping which means within the two last hours I might spend 20-30 mins on my phone (I often take notes while listening podcasts) however I'm struggling to find how much minutes of blue light (with blue light filter on) damages sleep? I also keep all other lights low before sleeping and I don't eat too much. More generally I have diagnosed combined type ADHD and I was wondering if ADHders need more sleep because their brain is uncontrollably spending more energy and tend to be more stressed on a daily basis? Also can you make an AMA for ADHD? I think adhders would enjoy it.

Can ADHD symptoms be exacerbated after concussion/tbi?

Hello, Dr. Huberman. I was diagnosed with ADHD at the late age of 36 (now 41). Just thereafter I had two unfortunate accidents that resulted in multiple concussion in a short timeframe. Since I can remember I always had challenges maintaining visual focus (hence the ADHD diagnosis) but after the accidents it seems to be extremely exacerbated, limiting me in my day to day life. As an example I cannot actively listen to a person and maintain visual awareness/focus of the persons(face) for more then a few seconds. Visual processing for me is not a continueous movie, it's more short clips badly stitched together, sort of like a constant stream of "attentional blinks" ;) After listing to numerous of your podcasts I started noticing this phenomenon (hard to observe oneself :) and was wondering if this hypothesis has any merit. Thanks for all your work and efforts.

Leveraging Anger for Performance

You've mentioned a few times that anger and frustration, properly used, can be a powerful source of energy for performance. How do we do this? How do we avoid it being destructive?

Breathing at high altitude

Does high or low iron impact breathing at high altitudes? When my husband and I went to ski in Coronado, he had a hard time breathing and he has high iron. On the other hand, I have low iron and felt great skiing and sleeping as well. Would love to know if there are any protocols that would help him in the future. Thank you! Danijela

Does hot tub/sauna increase or decrease hGH?

I am a frequent user of my hot tub at max temperature (104-105F), for its positive effects on tight and sore muscles and hoping for some of the positive effects seen in sauna use. I am also very interested in purchasing a sauna for use at home. My concern and confusion is in regards to seemingly conflicting information on whether hot tub/sauna use can potentially increase or decrease hGH by way of heating up the testicles. Can you clarify this concern and is there a difference in sauna vs hot tub use regarding this? Long time listener first time podcaller, huge fan of your work and all that you do to help anyone with an interest in improving their health and lives. Your work is fascinating, accessible, and most importantly “actionable”! Thank you! Brian Mahnken