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Facial Expressions

I'd love to see a pod ep on the neuroscience of facial expressions and how the muscles in the face relate to different brain areas. First I wonder if impulsivity and expressiveness of the face are related? Also, I find my forehead is always so tense after a long day of focus and I rarely frown (consciously at least) - would love to know if that relates to anything weird and wonderful.

Best sleep option for late travel

I land at midnight for work often. Which would be better: 1. Nap on the plane 1-2 hours, then go to sleep around 1-2am until ~9am? 2. Wait until ~1am to try and sleep 8 hours?

Best way to go off adderall?

If I've been on adderall for years, what is the best way to go off of it? Are there safer supplements to take instead?

What are your views on Laser Eye surgery?

Misophonia - sympathetic response to chewing/sniffing etc.

Misophonia is the extreme fight or flight response to certain noises - something is happening in the brain! so many people have it to a lesser or greater extent but it’s hard to find cause or protocols to alleviate symptoms - can you explain it?