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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Do you still need to view morning sunlight after 10 am or the benefits are only before that?


Explain the ECC (Excitation Contraction Coupling) as related to skeletal muscular contraction with pain management by "resetting" the ECC via massage or physical therapy treatment

Will you do an episode on allergies?

My girlfriend has general allergies and is super stuffy all the time / has to take Zyrtec daily - which can’t be the right long term solution. Is there a way to get to the root cause / get over some of these things?

Upper motor neuron research

Could links or information be provided for current research (both from scientists and medical doctors) for upper motor neuron functionality? thanks

Mushrooms/LSD to improve cognitive performance/muscle memory

Professor Huberman, I am a 22 year old professional Esports player that has watched your podcast endlessly to improve my life and specifically mental performance. One thing I have noticed over and over again in the past is that whenever I have taken Mushrooms or LSD my motor skills, muscle memory, and overall mental performance has increased when practicing under the influence of these drugs. I take my profession very seriously, and I don't believe these effects were only perceived by me during my high, as I have had teammates confirm to me that my mechanics were way better than normal by a big margin. So my question is, can drugs like LSD and mushrooms potentially increase muscle memory and cognitive performance? If so, would this be only during the high or can it rewire the brain permanently? Not fully recommending but I have been very intrigued by this idea. Thanks!