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Can naps substitute NSDR?

I am a teacher and after my after my lessons (around 1PM) I go to a quiet room at school before I do my other work. NSDRs have me falling right asleep, so I go straight to a nap (10-20'). My brain seems quite entrained and I wake up by myself anyways, and sometimes seem to be very close to the surface of wakefulness. And I often dream. Now, they do help me a lit, but: Do naps confer similar benefits as NSDR? I'm interested in dopamine, most of all.

Is depression completely curable?

In the episode on depression you talked about how to alleviate symptoms and how lifestyle choices have a great impact on whether the respective genes are turned on. I wonder if this can be completely reversed/turned of again by better lifestyle choices once they have been turned on?

Muira puama

I have heard lots of good things about the cognitive effects of muira puama, in bringing about a state of relaxed focus. Could you discuss the supplement, its efficacy, safety profile etc?

Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus terrestris is a supplement used in both TCM and ayurveda that is touted as a testosterone booster, performance enhancer and effective for muscle building. Can you discuss the supplement, its effects and safety profile?

Experiments you’d like to undertake

Andrew, Firstly a huge thank you for the outstanding information and passion you have for education it’s inspiring! My question is what is an experiment you’d like to undertake in regard to physical and mental performance? Do you have any theories you’d like to explore or are there any things you’re currently implementing into your daily routine that you’ve not previously discussed? Happy to be a lab rat to test (anecdotally) any potential optimising tools/methods in my daily life! Thanks, Nick