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General Guidelines on preventing the likelihood of long covid?

What would you do, take (supplements or medication) and how would you behave before, while and after a covid infection, in order to make long covid symptoms less likely?

Macular Degeneration

According to 23&Me I have an increased risk of Macular Degeneration. I am not sure how they came to that conclusion other than maybe because I have blue eyes. I have heard that increases my risk. Do you advise everyone wear sunglasses to protect their eyes when out in the sun?


How do you feel about supplements that say they help sleep and target metabolism while sleeping (help lose weight)? Thank you.

Sleep Supplements for Kids & Teens

I'm a coach for ADHD kids (and adults). The ADHD nervous system gets a burst of energy after sundown but my clients need to down regulate to sleep. I have no problem inviting my adult clients to consider your supplementation suggestions. What about the kids and teens in my practice? Parents and teens reach for melatonin or even give kids Benadryl before bed. What about some of the supplements you describe as more natural alternatives? Is there a way to "dose" them for kids? P.S. - I disagree with your assertion that ADHD is something to be cured. If it's possible to put that belief aside to evaluate the safety and efficacy of supplements for kids and teens, I would appreciate it so much. It could make a huge difference in their quality of life.

Speed of Repetitions WITHIN A SINGLE SET to maximise Hypertrophy.

How fast should one do each repetition of a set - I do first 3-4 repetitions slowly and carefully to avoid injury and then look to speed up to obtain fastest smooth contractions WITHOUT creating / introducing any jerky movements / mass momentum / lockouts for following reps to absolute fatigue/failure. I also rest for 2 seconds at end of both the concentric and eccentric movements. Thank you.