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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Lion’s mane for memory (and Alzheimer’s) without breaks

You recommended in your AMA about Adaptogens cycling off Lion’s mane after 4 weeks. What if I’m taking it for taking care of my memory? There are some studies in humans (e.g. and mice about the benefit of Lion’s mane to cognitive function - but only as long as you take it. In the study I mentioned elderly people took Lion’s mane for 16 weeks and as long as they took it, their scores improved – only to decline again once they stopped using it.

What part of the NSDR protocol is essential?

How do you know which part of a NSDR method is essential and what causes the dopamine restoration (and which one is just “jazz hands”)? I’ve been listening go all kinds of meditation, relaxation, hypnosis and guided visualization journey recordings since 2006. Some of them make me feel refreshed, some of them relaxed and some of them hyped up. The NSDR protocols you have recommended make me feel similar as some hypnosis tapes (e.g. from Paul McKenna and Wendi Friesen) calm and awake. That makes me wonder how much the content of the NSDR/yoga nidra really matters (e.g. if you have to really switch your focus from right to left etc.) and how much of it is something else (the focus itself, listening someone guiding you etc.) If this hasn’t been tested, how can you know it’s the protocol (the content and order of instructions) causing the effect? Thanks! Katri from Finland (who also asked about the Lion’s mane and memory).

Fitness Toolkit - change

After the series with dr. Andy Galpin, How you modified your Fitness Trainings (podcast#94)? Please buy a Remarkable, to have all your notes in one place. You must make a AMA wirh dr Galpin for the premium yt. Thank you for the sharing of the sciences

Headaches and tweens

Hi, I am curious about some of the protocols that you mentioned to reduce headaches as it applies to tweens. Would it be reasonable for my 11 year old to take fish oil and creatine to reduce the frequency of headaches? Thank you!

Connective Tissue Recovery

Protocols for collagen synthesis related to recovery from or prevention of connective tissue injury. Asking as a rock climber for finger related injury prevention.