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Lower temperature Sauna - still effective or useless?

In the episodes about deliberate heat exposure, the range that has been studied seems always to be between 80 and 100 degrees Celsius. Is there data that support benefits of lower temperatures (65-75 degrees Celsius) as well, maybe extending the time spent in the heat?

Environmental (living/working spaces) triggers of optimal performance. Priming mental states.

Different modalities of our environments: lights, height of ceiling, shapes, colors, music and sounds, aromas, textures etc that have been shown to prime certain mental and emotional states via changes in blood and brain chemistry.

Neurodegenerative diseases

Hello Mr.Huberman, thank you for your initiative, you have at least one fan in Slovakia, Europe. My question is what can one do to try to improve condition with neurodegenerative disease in terms of diet, supplementation, behavior or otherwise to at least slow down the disease or improve the quality of life. I know neurons dont grow back, but perhaps some ideas what could improve the condition. Thank you for what you do. Michal

What are some ways to mitigate the negative hormonal effects of edible-based, once a week marijuana use?

Obviously all disclosures apply about abstinence being ideal, but for those who choose to use once a week, edible only, what can be done either through supplementation, food, exercise, timing of use etc to mitigate some of the negative impacts on hormone health. I have heard of people using DIM or calcium d glucarate, for example, to flush out extra estrogen generated through increased aromataizaiton.

Macronutrient balance

I've read conflicting advice -- some sources stating that one should eat lots of protein and others stating that we eat too much protein. What does the research show about advantages and disadvantages associated with diets that have different levels of macro nutrients?