Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Can you share your sketching process and its benefits for remembering concepts?

Could you share with us your sketching process, the tools you use, and how it has helped you in remembering concepts? I've noticed you do a lot of sketching and I'm interested in learning more about your approach.

Limb Independence

What’s happening in the brain when one is learning limb independence on an instrument like the drums or piano? Are there people that are predisposed to developing limb independence more quickly or easier than others? I’m a new drummer but am not new to instruments, I haven’t experienced this before with anything else I’ve played. There’s something extremely meditative, almost trance like when you’re locked into a beat and your legs and arms are holding onto different beats / counts in a rhythm. What’s happening during practice? Thanks for your time!

Perhaps a guest series on mental health?

Andy's physical health series is an excellent and encyclopedic manual for one's fitness. It would be nice to have a series on mental health providing protocols from a renown academics with ample successful professional practices. Likely it still involves sleep, exercise, and nutrition. (nudged toward particular aspect for different scenarios.) It would also be nice to provide how and what to do (interact) with society, community and family as well as with oneself. In the ever changing world and ramping social media environment, it's good to have it so one doesn't have the impulse to whack the persons who are beyond un-witted in twitter space.

Bloodwork - which markers

Hi Profesor, I'm male age 32 and want to become "scientist of myself" like you suggested many times. Could you maybe advise, which blood- related markes should be included in the yearly test? I have to pay for all the testing by myself, which means, that I need first to pick up all the specific markers from private lab offer, and as you can expect, the offer itself is quite ennormous. Thank you in advance!

Short nap or NSDR/Yoga Nidra?

What is more efficient to replenish energy and dopamine levels during the day, short naps (20min) or NSDR/Yoga Nidra (20min)?