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Learn to Read Despite Phonological Dyslexia

My daughter has been diagnosed with phonological dyslexia. She is very articulate and shares interesting ideas and is eager to learn. She is even eager to keep a journal and make lists. Unfortunately, she struggles with reading and writing. Efforts to address her Phonological Dyslexia started a bit later than would have been ideal. Because she was in kindergarten when the pandemic began, much of her struggle was wrongly attributed to the pandemic and the lack of structured schooling. She is currently in the 1st percentile for reading. The school will provide accommodations, but reading proficiently would be far more ideal, obviously. I have always loved reading and still learn through texts (and podcasts!) as much as I can. I don't want her to miss out on the rich world contained in texts! What can we do to help her? Where are the best resources for help? Much of what I find is about other types of dyslexia. The methods to address phonological dyslexia are not as readily available as those used to address other forms of dyslexia.

Hives: Isolating Causes & Effective Treatments

I would like to request a deep dive on hives (the headache episode was extremely helpful). A dear friend has been battling an extreme version of this condition for months. She had taken a wide variety of medications that provide little to no relief of her symptoms. My question is, how should a person with hives systematically narrow down the root cause(s) of this condition? If the source of the problem cannot be identified, what treatments are most effective to manage the symptoms?

Resistance training and severe mental disorders (ADHD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar)

What evidence if any is there to support Resistance Training as an adjacent treatment option for those suffering from moderate to severe mental illnesses?

Low cortisol help

Im a 56 year old female, and, after years of cycling through anxiety / panic attacks they’ve increased to chronic in the past few months. Salvitory cortisol levels tested at 1 in the am and 0 at night. ND has me on high vitamin C, Magnesium, Asgwaganda , and a low dose of an adrenal glandular. I also take Ltheanine 1 to 2 times per day, Vit.D in the AM and I take 5mg of melatonin to sleep at night. After following protocols for 2 months I haven’t seen any real improvement. I find my quality of life( getting out for walks and runs) has started to become affected. Because I’m a highly anxious person I’m having a hard time sorting out when to prod myself to do something despite the strong physical feelings and when to rest.Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Cyclic Hyperventilation & Tinnitus

Cyclic hyperventilation is frequently mentioned on the show. If you spend time on any of the Wim Hof subreddits or tinnitus support pages online you'll find scores of people connecting Wim Hof breathing and tinnitus. While I got a lot out of the WHM personally, I came across this complaint enough times to scare me off from continuing. I'm curious if you have any ideas as to the underlying mechanisms that might be responsible for new or worsening tinnitus stemming from Wim Hof or other similar breathwork. As these methods become more popular it would be helpful for people to know of ways to avoid this potential danger. It would also be great to see an episode on tinnitus at some point. It impacts 10-15% of people. Once it becomes bothersome every doctor or ENT just tells you to deal with it. In my own experience It's gotten significantly better with certain lifestyle modifications. It's an area that desperately needs more research, trustworthy information and hope.