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Supplements taken with fat

Certain supplements are recommended to be taken with fat. Resveratrol, quercetin, nmn, etc. What fats and amounts will suffice? 2 tablespoons full fat yogurt? 1 oz extra virgin olive oil, mct oil, 2 grams of fish oil such as Vascepa? Tablespoon of Nut butter?

Episode/ discussion om obesity and its causes and treatment

Request if in sometime in the future you may do an episode on obesity- of course a leading risk of mortality in the world. Perhaps any new insight as to possible genetic causes,and how people who are already obese may use science to work their way down to a healthy weight Often times the advice is- exercise and diet..however this doesnt consider that someone who is obese can't simply go walking for long periods much less running/ anything high impact. Doesnt consider food cravings..and the bodys attempt to slow metabolism in an attempt to hold on to the weight. Myself and many other listenerd i am sure will really benefit from your research/ interview with a leading expert in this field Thank you once again

Vaping THC

Could you explain in more detail how the vaping process negatively affects our health?

Depression, Kyneurine, and Zone 3 Cardio

Does zone 3 cardio carry the same benefits for depression and tryptophan metabolism as zone 2 cardio?

Effects of Antipsychotic medication on sleep

Hi! I have Bipolar Disorder and take the atypical antipsychotic Quetiapine. It is amazing for completely eradicating any mania, but, as is standard with these medications, it knocks me out for six. It's a heavy duty med, but luckily it doesn't leave me with much of a 'hangover' these days, because I'm so used to it. (And I'll take the hangover any day over the mania 😀) My question is: Is the sleep that it induces as 'good' as normal sleep? Mine is a veeeerrrrry heavy slumber. I once slept through a fire alarm in a hotel for example! After that particular scare I consulted my psychiatrist who allows me to adjust it on such occasions, but when I do I only sleep lightly. Is there any hope for us manics when it comes to sleep, or must we just settle for sedation? I've gotten down to 75mg from 300mg with the help of the supplements you and your colleauges recommend to try (with the nod from my psych of course) I now follow Matthew Walker avidly and I've employed all the protocols (light boxes etc) which have been UNBELIEVABLE)! But doc says I may always need it, which is fine, but is it 'normal' sleep? I should say, that thanks to you I am now an avid Athletic Greens consumer, supplementer, caffeine regulator, water drinker, and am now considering going keto after your Dr Palmer discussion and his talk about his patient with schizophrenia. I do NSDR too. Don't worry, I'm under good psych supervision 😉 So after that ramble I suppose my basic question is - do antipsychotics affect sleep architecture?