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Recovery to get back on skateboard or active life after surgery

I sent a rather lengthy email to your contact so I won’t go into depth of my situation here. My question was about the best ways post surgery to get the body to do everything it can to recover. Andy ways to speed it up? Behavior tools? Supplements? Nutrition?

Meniere's disease

I am a very healthy, very active, informed 62-year-old. I suffered my first random and intense episode of vertigo that lasted for hours causing vomiting if I moved about 8 years ago. I ended up in the ER as the people around me had no idea what to do. My primary sent me to neurologists who put me on magnesium, Vitamin B1 and eventually CoQ10 which are for migraines then to an ENT who said drop the salt. My bloodwork showed a gluten sensitivity, so I stopped eating gluten. An extensive brain scan, including close examination of my right ear as I lost significant hearing after the initial episode, showed no tumors or other scary things. But still my episodes continued. I knew it wasn't the typical migraine causing the vertigo and finally I was put in contact with another ENT at Dartmouth Hitchcock. After hearing tests, various techniques to try to dislodge crystals in my ears to cause vertigo and an interview, he determined that it was Meniere's disease. He put me on 37 mg of hydrochlorothiazide daily. This proved to be too much for me with my low blood pressure and weight (112 lbs) so he dropped it to 12.5 mg/daily. This was almost 2 years ago and (knock on wood) I have not had another episode. While I am very happy that the episodes are under control, I would like to stop taking the medication. I don't drink alcohol and my caffeine consumption is low, I don't eat sugar or processed foods. I am low carb and high good fat (no PUFAS) and protein. I am an avid gardener, so my produce is organic, and I work hard to find organic in the stores during the non-growing season. I exercise daily, a variety of strength and high intensity, I work for myself and have multiple businesses so there is some stress in my life although I feel like I have it under control (meditation is next). Did I mention I have 4 kids and 4 grandchildren! My question is, have you completed any research about Meniere's disease? Can I control it with diet and exercise? and perhaps healthy supplements? What advice can you give me? Thank you for your time. Annie Guyer from the hills of Northern Vermont.

How to live having Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy, traumatic brain injury and chronic pain?

Hey Andrew, I am really struggling mentally and physically. I'm 28, have had multiple brain/skull/neck decompression surgeries from Chiari Malformation w/ syringomyelia. That was 12 years ago. Since then I've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder, ADD, anxiety and the worst of the worst; Excessive Daytime Sleepiness/Narcolepsy with cataplexy and osteoarthritis of the entire spine which is slowly effecting my arms and legs. Along with chronic migraines from the surgeries/brain issue. My body and mind are both slowly deteriorating. I'm a single dad who has barely enough energy to go to work let alone foster a thriving environment for a 9 year old. I've researched neurovascular decoupling, a brain/energy metabolic disorders, cellular dysregulation, sleep/wake cycle disorders or whatever else i can that can be causing my excessive fatigue. I cannot work out due to cataplexy. I know that I need to exercise to preserve my body and fight the pain but I go to work (in IT) and come home and lay around in pain and exhaustion. I'm on the max dose of stimulants, dexedrine for Narcolepsy but it still doesn't help. I really am hoping you may be able to provide some insight on possible treatments I could pursue. As of now the antidepressants and stimulants are the only thing keeping me going day to day. Sorry for the therapy session, you've just helped me alot thus far and I'm really hoping for more insight from you or the community. TL,DR: I have (acquired? ) traumatic brain injury from Chiari malformation and surgeries which has lead to chronic migraines, Narcolepsy w/ Cataplexy, MDD & anxiety, osteoarthritis and chronic fatigue. Can you speak to the possible treatments to improve the fatigue/cataplexy mainly and also the chronic pain if possible? Thank you so much for all that you do. Please upvote! You'll help a man in need of a lot of it!

Neurotransmitter, amino acid and salivary hormone testing.

What do you think about these?

Supplement/Cold Sore Avoidance List

Hello Andrew, I add to the chorus of thank-you's for the tremendous and tremendously valuable work you do. You mentioned beet root powder arginine pathway and cold sore issue, which was a huge Aha! for me. I know there are other supplements that have the same potential issue and I was wondering if you would consider putting together a list.