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How to interpret the chart of interference?

The Chart of Interference ( enumerates which goals are complimentary/interfere with others; however, it's unclear when one goal is the beneficiary or the benefactor. For instance, Strong, horizontally, has 2 checks under Anaerobic Endurance, but Anaerobic Endurance horizontally, has a single X under Strong. Is Strength complimented by Anaerobic Endurance but Anaerobic Endurance is interfered by Strength?

HRV, heart rate and body temperature

I have been monitoring my hrv, heart rate and body temp and they seem to work together. Heart rate high in night so hrv reduced and if body temp is also high then hrv even lower. I am 47 yo female and l cant get my hrv to increase above 45. I know sleep waters, diet, exercise (weights and cardio), the amount of water you drink. On the other hand l see others who dont do all that and have consistently very high hrv values. How is that so, and anything you know that l can go to improve hrv and resting heart rate.

Fungal small intestine biofilm

I’m looking for information on destroying biofilm in small intestines/healing I’ve been diagnosed with a fungal biofilm (GI Dr. With endoscopy). The diet is very hard to stick to due to cravings. Anti fungals don’t work because the biofilm is protecting the fungus. I have heard of using enzymes to break down the biofilm. Have you seen any research on this specifically for fungal overgrowth? Extra info: I’m told alcohol use, antibiotics, processed foods, birth control pills and stress in general caused the initial dysbiosis years ago.

Natural Protocols for Dystonia, Essential Tremors, and other Brain Disorders

I suffer with dystonia as well as essential tremors. This goes back to my childhood, I am now 56 years old. I am interested in natural protocols that may improve my condition.

Elevated heart rate while playing music

Hello Mr. Huberman! My name is Attila and I am a professional musician (guitar player and back vocals in a popular pop/rock band in Hungary). I started using Whoop band a couple of month ago and I experienced very high levels of heart rates while playing music, even at the rehearsals. I do not have too much data but sometimes I reach or overreach my max heart rate for a couple of minutes. I do not jump around so my job on the stage is definitelly not cardio style. I tried to search for information regarding this topic but did not find much on the internet. I do training at least 3-4 times a week ( weightlifting in the gym, running, yoga, hiking, climbing, mountainbike, swim, ski, surf) depending on the season and location. Could I ask about your opinion about this issue (elevated heart rate while playing). Could this be considered normal, or should I try to do something to lower it? Could this be emotional?(however rehearsals do not involve too much emotions :). I will try to track my fellow musicians too in the future. Best regards Attila