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Re: your tweet about water

I tweeted this but hoping you can address these issues/topics on your future podcast about water: Spring vs filtered. Reverse osmosis vs regular filters. Re-mineralization after reverse osmosis. ph level. “Safe” level of fluoride. Shower water filter. Effect of plastic bottles/ plastic 5 gal containers on water. Product recommendations. Carbonated vs regular water. Thanks!!

Trigger Points Pain

Can trigger points get developed by stress and anxiety? Can stress cause trigger point pain? Are there any strategies to manage this type of pain?

Dopamine and ADHD

I've watched/listened to a lot of your content around dopamine and the idea of it being a "system of ANTICIPATION of reward" (instead of a system of reward) and I also have a nine-year-old daughter who exhibits some ADHD tendencies like impulsiveness and challenges w exec functioning/working memory. Combining the dopamine research and the AHDHD neurobiology, I'm curious how to operationalize the findings. Are there any cutting data around these two areas together? Newer behavioral techniques or suggestions as to how to possibly go about training her to stay in that "friction place" you've discussed with the anticipation of the reward?

Fitness Toolkit Day 3 - Sauna reps

If my main sauna goals are cardiovascular/all cause mortality focused with the general recommendation of 20 minute sessions 4x-7x a week. Does Day 3 of the Fitness Toolkit protocol of doing 4 sets of sauna 20 minutes count as 4x or only 1x towards that cardiovascular sauna goal? Thank you!

Healing torn meniscus protocols

What are the protocols of healing a torn meniscus?