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mTOR and Rapamycin

Hi Andrew. Firstly, I appreciate all the content you and your team produce. It has truly given me new a perspective on how much behavior can modulate the lifespan and health span. Dr Peter Attia talks about mTOR/rapamycin and its potential effects on longevity, recovery, inflammation, etc. Would love an episode dedicated to this subject. Again, thanks for all you do and keep up the great work!

Different kinds of memory

Can you explain the relationship and differences between cortical, hippocampal, and olfactory memory?

Why animals are healing?

I would like to know how animals can help to heal, why there is such thing as a support animal. How human brain gets affected by animals? Why do we feel so much joy, when we see a cute puppy? I heard that sometimes dogs can feel that the owner has a cancer. How does that work? Thank you!

Chronic Pain

How about an episode on dealing with chronic pain? (Not acute injuries and pain.) Chronic pain due to ongoing arthritis, bone/joint issues, fibromyalgia, bone deformities, connective tissues diseases, etc. Also, what do we know about the connection between fascia and emotional distress/stress responses? How does fascia relate to chronic pain? What is the role of massage? Thank you for the wonderful work you do!

An episode dedicated to the neuroscience of creativity

In the cannabis episode, there was an interesting discussion about convergent and divergent thinking in regards to creativity. It would be great to have an episode dedicated to the neuroscience of creativity and some practical protocols.