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AM sequence; Meditation, cold exposure, resistance training.

I need to meditate each morning for mental health. I want body comp and focus benefits of cold exposure. I resistance train for hypertrophy. What is best sequence and timing each morning for those multiple objectives?

Motivation at cellular level

What cells are involved with motivation and how can one keep them "activated?"

Is light so dim that hurt the eyes?

It's said light is so dim that will hurt the eyes. Yet, It sounds not make sense to me because the people who use the fuel lamp before would have more high portion nearsighted problems than now if it is true. Are there some studies on this? Thank you in advance for answering my question and hope my poor English does not affect your understanding of this question.

Bone Health

Hi! Would love an episode on bone health in general! I'm in my thirties and already dealing with osteopenia/osteoporosis myself. Saw some interesting research reported by NHK Japan about a researcher being able to view osteoclasts in real-time for the first time that may have shifted the understanding of how bone loss often occurs? In my layperson reading, my mind's been blown as to the function of bones, and what can affect them... things I wouldn't have guessed like salt, protein, etc. Would love your review of the latest research and parsing the current understanding.

Thank you!

Sorry to do this here where you intend for questions, but I just wanted to say thank you. I can't tell you how much your podcast resonates with and helps me. I'm on a journey of health, education and consistency and this information is invaluable to me. I can only imagine how many other people feel this way. Again, thank you!