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Organic Food and Pesticides

I am interested in produce, mainly organic food and whether it is indeed better than non-organic? The impact and presence of pesticides in farming (glyphosate comes to mind) is something every human must deal with, and it's unclear if buying organic at the supermarket is a waste of money or not. Obviously this welcomes a lot of controversy but there are a lot of studies on this topic and I'm curious to hear the thoughts of an expert in the agricultural sciences on this. Is this something you might be able to cover in the future?

Cold Emerson Question

If you start with a warm shower and end your shower with the 30-second cold therapy, can you still expect to have the same or similar results as the studies show? Just to clarify, I took what your podcast said as needing to do cold Emerson prior to any warmth and there needs to be at least a 10-minute gap between the cold Emerson and any warmth from water for the body to learn to adapt. Thanks so much!

TRT and tongkat ali

Love the podcast and when you are on Joe Rogan. I am 51 years old 6'3" 215 lbs have been on TRT for 6 years. It has been fantastic. I usually run abut 800 on total Testosterone and around 15 free with my latest at 16.5. All labs look great. Would tongkat ali be a benifit? Looking to cut a few more pounds and gain a little more everyone. Overall question is how does it interact with a person on TRT and would it possibly bump up my free? Heard on a video from you that 16.5 is already pretty good.

Red Light/Near Infrared Light therapy for Fertility

Hi, first I want to really thank you for everything you are doing with your platform. I started listening to you episode one and you've inspired many of our efforts to improve our overall health and quality of life over the years. You've broaden our understand of so many topics. I give you my heartfelt thanks. I've been doing IVF for nearly 2 years. I came across research showing that near infrared light at 830nm can help improve egg quality. I The research was conducted in Japan, Denmark and Norway. They use a 830nm laser and I want know if there a substantial difference between in efficacy between laser vs. LED Light panels? Is it the spectrum that is important or the power. I have access to LED light panels and haven't found a facility here in NYC that offers the 830nm laser for fertility usage. It would be really interesting to understand that difference given that red light therapy/near infrared light panels seem to becoming maintain and being applied to all sorts of issues.

Sleep, exercise, cognitive work, and rest rhythm for parents of newborn

Like most parents of newborn, we are losing control of our sleep time. There are new challenges around sleep time, nap time, wake time, when to drink coffee, how to rest through the day, etc. It will be great if we can get some suggestions about what works.