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Best time for cold water shower

I workout(strength training for Hypertrophy) first thing in the morning. And used to take cold shower post workout. However, in your podcast, you don't recommend taking cold shower right after hypertrophy strength training: What is the best time to take cold shower ? How many hours should I wait post workout for cold shower?

Micronutrient density, overeating and longevity

Montgomery/Biklé (what your food ate) and others point convincingly to relation of top soil quality to micronutrient density in produce. There is also strong indication that animals eat less macros if they get micronutrient rich food. I wonder if there is solid scientific evidence for - would we eat less of higher micronutrient dense food (or - are we overeating macros to get required micros) - can we build solid evidence from eating much higher quality produce to health markers and longevity (think regenerative gabe brown produce versus traditional supermarket produce) If there is not enough of these answers and you are also curious, I would consider privately sponsoring research, Best Martin

Carbonated water

Loved your most recent podcast on water. Would love to hear your take on carbonated water or if you’ve heard of any studies that aren’t associated with soda/pop drinks. We carbonate water at our home with a setup similar to a “soda stream” because it’s quite enjoyable to drink! But worried it isn’t actually great for our health?

Neurotransmitter Rehabilitation

I'm wondering if there is a protocol you would suggest for someone trying to rehabilitate neurotransmitters. In this case I'm thinking specifically of recovery from opiate addiction but I would imagine there are numerous other scenarios this would apply to. Is neurotransmitter rehabilitation even something we can effect through science based tools/supplementation, etc or is there no way to aid this in this process?

Increasing T3

I have seen your episode on How to control your metabolism by thyroid and growth hormone. But how can you specifically increase the bioactive hormone T3 and improve the conversion of T4 to T3 via deiodinase? Also, thank you for being such an amazing scientist and person. I am now a neuroscience major (which I love) thanks to you!