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Tools to manage serotonin and improve mood

There is already a great deep dive on how to manage dopamine ( But as we know, serotonin and dopamine are on a seesaw so we need to think about both. What are some tools and protocols to do optimize serotonin?

10 sets per muscle group per week for *maintenance* of hypertrophy? Really?

I love the Andy Galpin episodes - I have a specific question about volume. Here: Andy says it's 10 sets minimum to maintain muscles and perhaps grow, and we'd need 15-20 sets once reaching an intermediate level. This doesn't match my experience where 5 sets seems to maintain my strength and even slowly progress. I've been lifting steadily for a year - sometimes doing 10 sets per muscle group to gain more quickly, and other times doing 5 sets to what I thought would be maintain. Does anyone else have this experience? Could Dr. Huberman or Dr. Galpin speak to this more specifically? Have studies shown that e.g merely doing 5 sets per week on a given muscle group will result in existing muscles shrinking? Maybe I'm still a beginner and that explains it? But I've put on about 15 lbs of muscle in the past year and seem to be holding onto it even as I've scaled back some of my muscle groups to 5 sets so that I can mix in more cardio.

The episode on water was wonderful but left me with a few questions.

How necessary is the magnesium tablet if a person is taking a magnesium supplement and has a good amount flowing through their blood and in their cells already (as known by micronutrient testing)? Is the water hydronated naturally in the body once it encounters magnesium? How much magnesium is too much, I understand it is a significant deficiency in this country but every increase in one nutrient can offset another. Also, curious about high content mineral waters, typically sold as "Artisan", whether they are a good option.

IIs there some studies about delay orgasm incresing mood?

I was watching some videos on Youtube and you recommend delaying orgasm to buffer some stress. Can it even increase mood? Hope you can talk about more detail of mechanism about this. Thank you!

looking at a monitor screen for 7.5-16 hours a day while sitting in one place

I want to ask how much damage am I doing to myself and my eyes especially, I've recently gotten sharp stabbing pains in my eye and have since been wearing blue light blocking glasses it seems to have fixed the issue for now. But I want to know the full extent to the problems that might occur soon and in the long term as well as if there is anything I can do to relive or prevent mental and physical problems that may come up?