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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Post-Concussion Syndrom

What are the most effective means of treating adults with post-concussion syndrome, particularly those suffering with persist visual, vestibular and auditory symptoms?

Relationship between early trauma and thermoregulation issues

Can you explore whether there is an established relationship between early trauma and the potential development of thermoregulation issues/autonomic dysfunction, most particularly anhidrosis or hypohydrosis and the implications for long-term health? Additionally, while there are some treatments for equine anhidrosis, there don’t seem to be any for what is (sometimes erroneously?) considered ideopathic anhidrosis. Any thoughts or research suggesting useful threads to pull on - supplements, neurofeedback, etc? Anhidrosis has significant health and safety implications for children, adults and athletes of all ages.

Approach for work out for older people

In your excellent series with Dr. Galpin, I missed any information in reference to fitness for older people. I am an active 81 years old, still working full time and exercising. I alternate between weight and aerobic exercises, but I miss a more scientific approach to my workout without the age bias. I would appreciate any information you have on the subject Thank you. Claudio Oiticica

Waking up strategies

Due to having children, work and a very busy schedule, the only time I can study for a course I'm taking is early in the morning before the kids wake. I typically get to bed around 9:30 and wake around 5:30, take a cold shower, drink my water (and avoiding caffeine until about 7:00), then try to get studying for about 5:50. My kids usually wake up around 6:30 so I don't have much time! My question is, other than the cold shower and rehydrating, is there anything else I can do to wake myself up more fully to try to maximize the little study time available? Thanks Craig Northwood

finding the right doctor

What is your recommendation for finding the right general/family doctor? Are there certain websites that would be best to use? Maybe specific degrees or certifications that would help to narrow it down? Not looking for any healing in particular, so there are so many options when doing a general search, making it difficult to identify those that are more forward thinking when it comes to preventative care, blood work, hormones, and other areas discussed on the podcast to best optimize my health.