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I'm new to the premium subscription, so I imagine I will learn all the tools in time. But it doesn't seem easy to figure what tools are available to us. One example would be with the questions - I'm guessing a ton of questions are already answered in the podcasts or AMA shows - could we have a tool to allow us to search the text of the transcripts? Further to my question an email breaking down all the tools available to us would be awesome! I'm sorry if this question is redundant! Thanks for providing such high quality content - I'm a huge fan.

NMN and withdrawal and/or cancer relationship

I really liked the episode you did with David Sinclair - I have been following/reading him for a while now. I have dabbled with NMN, but I have one nagging concern that I cannot seem to find an answer to - so thought you might be the place to go! I have found some information regarding NMN that seemed to suggest there is at least a possibility it could fuel cancer growth - have you come across this, or have thoughts regarding this claim? Also on the topic of NMN, is there any evidence of a withdrawal or "rubber-band" effect associated with stopping use? In other words, it seems there is clear evidence to support that using NMN can lead to anti-ageing, but it there anything that points to long-term use followed by stopping use can lead to negative effects, like a rapid regression (or aging) effect?

The science behind stuttering and potential tools to alleviate it

I just want to preface this by saying your podcast is a positive influence on the world and is changing lives for the better, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for doing what you do. It is immensely important. I have been stuttering for the better part of the last 25 years (I'm hitting 30 soon). For a while I assumed the issue was rooted in some damaged neural pathways within my Broca's area, and tried some tools like supplementing a combination of a wide array of nerve growth factor compounds like Lion's Mane extract, combined with BDNF compounds like Bacopa Monnieri, but I can't say I noticed any difference in the amount of stuttering I experiece daily. Usually when I have more daily stress, I stutter more, and vice versa. It comes and goes - I have periods in my life where I barely stutter, and then periods during which I can barely say my name, and sometimes the link between the severity of this issue and the amount of stress doesn't seem to make sense. An interesting aspect of the issue is that it goes away when I'm talking to myself, or generally talking while knowing nobody is going to hear what I'm saying. But as soon as I know, even on a subconscious level, that my speech will be heard by someone else, the stuttering comes back. I've done experiments where I talk to myself and note no stuttering at all, then I start a voice recording with the intention of someone else hearing it, and I stutter immediately. It makes no sense to me, but I assume the issue might actually be rooted on a psychological level more so than a physiological one. Still, it would be really helpful to me and I'm sure thousands of others if you could expand on this speech impediment in terms of the science behind it. Are there any known ways to alleviate it from a chemical standpoint, or are most recommendations on a behavioral basis? I know the legendary mycologist Paul Stamets has talked at length of how he cured his own stutter with the help of psilocybin, and praised this compound's neuroregenerative properties, but I'm wondering what data or research do you know of that supports his claims that might position psychedelics in general as a potential aid in alleviating (or even curing) stuttering. I've worked with psychedelics for quite a while now but I can't say I have noticed any meaningful decrease of my stuttering, although I have to admit I haven't specifically focused on that aspect of those experiences. I also wonder if there have been any technologies developed in recent times that might help with this such as deep brain stimulation for example. Any clues or useful information you can provide will be of tremendous benefit to me and many others that seek some kind of salvation from the linguistic hell that stuttering is. Thank you so much. Best regards, Hristo

Myths perpetuated in psychology

Would you consider discussing and dispelling the myths still alive in psychology that neuroscience proved wrong?

Impact of the long term usage SSRI on brain health

I have been using an SSRI for 20 years overall. I would like to hear about what we know about the impact of the long-term usage of SSIR on health. I would also like to know whether it is still possible to consider stopping using the medication and how should one proceed. I am sure that I am not the only one in this situation.