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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Homeostasis and dopamine.

I'm a huge fan of Dr. Lembke. However, there has been an big issue that I'm confused about that you addressed in your interview with her, but I just want more clarity please. I understand that the brain's need to remain on this balanced baseline/homeostasis. However, what I don't understand its that whenever we go into constant states of dopamine deficient, does our normal baseline begin to drop? In other words, do we develop a "new baseline" where we are way below from our "normal" baseline? If so, is this "new" baseline, a state where we are miserable since we are dopamine deficient and below our regular homeostasis state? Is the goal to abstain to get us back to our regular/baseline? Thanks and I love your show. I don't know if you heard the recent interview with the Starretts and Mark Bell. But, Kelly kept on saying, "Well, according to Dr. Huberman..." It was hilarious. Got to get him and Juliet on your show! Jack

Can the seretonin produced within the gut effect the seretonin levels within the brain?

Supplement Efficacy

Hello Dr. Huberman! How would you recommend one finds effective supplements? They’re at the grocery store, drugstore, Amazon, online websites, etc. Much like research, how do you weed out the bad and find supplements that are of good quality and not old, junk, or expired? I know Momentus is a podcast sponsor, but their selection is often limited for the variety of supplements out there. I am mainly speaking of single ingredient supplements. Thank you for the expertise as always. Best, Paige.

How can I reduce visceral adipose tissue levels?

My most recent DEXA scan showed 2.85 lb of VAT. My goal is less than 1 pound. What are the most effective actions I can take to reduce visceral adipose tissue to a healthy range?

Tell us about "Natural Flavors"

Is La Croix actually harmless? What do we know about this mystery ingredient that is more and more common these days?