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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Is it beneficial to occasionally stimulate IGF1 production by consuming protein first after a more extensive fast (exceeding 2 days)—given that I am eating plant based (vegan) on all other days?

Menopausal female

Menopausal female How to stay/maintain/create optimal health for female after going through menopause. Muscle gain, hormonal changes, cognitive declining, and etc.

Idea for an episode: Nutritional choices

Could you do an episode (perhaps with a guest dietician) compare and contrast what happens in your body (gut microbiome, hormones, fat storage, energy consumption, etc) when you eat certain foods. For example: 12 oz of Coke vs. water vs. beer; Big Mac hamburger vs. a healthier choice; Thanksgiving turkey & mashed potatoes vs. a vegan alternative; etc . Discussion could be guided from the point of view of someone making choices in real time (Coke vs. water; Big Mac vs. chicken sandwich) and how those choices, over time, impact your body and brain.

Benadryl (small dose) as a sleep aid

What is your reaction to regular use of Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) in small doses (10-25mg), as a sleep aid before bedtime? I have found it invaluable in helping me to quickly get back to sleep (especially during periods of heightened stress), as I often wake 1-2 times per night. I understand there are studies linking its use to dementia. However, I'm not sure if these risks only arise at much higher doses (than I am accustomed to taking). Also, I know that lack of sleep (which I might suffer if I did not take the Benadryl) can also have wide and varied health consequences. Thank you, in advance.

Question/Episode idea: How to prioritize suggested protocols given time scarcity

Across Prof. Huberman's shows, he suggests many useful and important "protocols" for optimizing various health-related aspects. Most require some time and attention (be it looking at light or sitting in the sauna). Obviously the benefits from each vary. Can you address the issue of prioritising protocols/issues based solely on the bang per minute/hour metric? Ie deal with the time scarcity issue. (Holding financial issues aside).