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Nose strips and HIIT nasal breathing

Using adhesive nose strips that hold my nose passage open allows me to nasal breathe even during high intensity interval training. Is this in any way damaging for the nose, as this allows significantly more air than nature intended to pass?

Neal Barnard

Hi Huberman and the lab! Thank you for all the life changing knowledge! Is there a chance you'll do an episode with dr. Neal Barnard?

Contrast Therapy

Have you done much research into combining heat and cold exposure in cycles? For example 3 minute cold shower, straight into a sauna for 15 mins, and then cycle this for 4 times. If so what are the effects? I've been practising this myself for a few weeks and have noticed that it seems to benefit my mental and physical health than when I just either do heat or cold exposure seperately - both of which I have been doing for a few years now. Many thanks Dr Huberman! You're a life-saver:) Regards, Renny

RLS and your suggested breathing technique to relax

I suffer from RLS; interestingly enough, while trying your breathing technique the last few nights (inhale fully through nose and exhale through pursed lips), I found that breathing technique triggers my legs! (Breathing in through nose and out though nose does not trigger my legs). What I have read suggests dopamine deficiency may be a component. Any suggestions on how to supplement dopamine before bedtime? It ordinarily takes me a few hours to get to sleep (although my Apple sleep app tells me have some light sleep during this time. thanks for all you are doing in this field!

When are you going to get a puppy??