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Tongkat ali for young men

My (barely) 18 yo son bought some tongkat ali after listening to your podcast. But now he is having second thoughts and concerned about any downsides. What are your thoughts about the safety of teenagers taking tongkat ali? I love that he enjoys learning from your podcast!

Sunlight & Glucose Spikes

Does sun exposure/viewing sunlight affect insulin sensitivity? Can increased sun exposure help curb glucose spikes?

Bio-Scan (Bio Photonics) technology

Wondering if this technology is legit? Company describes Bio-Photonic device emits a blue light wave length at 478 nanometers, when placed on the palm of hand and detect carotenoid levels and reflects back a score which points to low-optimal levels of antioxidant/ carotenoids. The Company is backed by a plethora of research and high funding. Device was originally developed to diagnose macular degeneration. Surprised I have not heard of this technology, but they have over 85 peer reviewed studies and many lead scientists working on their team. Anyone heard of this? They were even featured on Dr. Oz show (for what that is worth) and discovery channel among being publicly traded, Forbes backing.

Inositol, L-Theanine, and Apigenin

I have been taking Inositol, L-Theanine, and Apigenin for one week. I take them before bed. During this week, my HRV has decreased by 33% and the only difference this week is taking these supplements. Which one would you suspect is causing the problem?

Adenosine, cortisol, and caffeine

Can cortisol clear adenosine from your brain even in the presence of caffeine? You suggested delaying caffeine ingestion in the morning in order to allow cortisol to clear the adenosine down to close to 0; how does caffeine interfere with this process?