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Podcast guest suggestion: Stacy Simms

I'd love to hear a conversation between you and Dr. Stacy Simms in regards to the differences between men and women and enhancing performance.

Intermittent Fasting

Although I listened to the podcast with Dr. Panda, I am unclear on what breaks a fast. Can you tell me whether a splash of milk in coffee without sugar will break a fast? Thank you.

The neuroscience of empathy and compassion

I am curious to learn more about the neural mechanisms underlying empathy and compassion. Specifically, could you please elaborate on the role of mirror neurons and other key brain regions in facilitating these prosocial behaviors, and how their interplay contributes to the development and expression of empathy and compassion in human beings? Any insights on how we can cultivate these qualities through targeted tools would be highly appreciated, in particular in the context of parenting: what can young parents do to ensure the next generation of humains will have more empathy than the previous one? Also keen to hear whether "older" humans can also develop empathy later in life, and how.

Extreme fatigue after soccer

After a soccer match/training i'm almost always extremely exhausted. My style of playing is powerful - a lot of sprints etc - so i guess it's heavy on my cns. What can i do besides focusing on downregulated breathing, sleep, protein and eletrolyte ingestion? I will try rhodiola rosea soon, but can you maybe explain to me possible mechanisms and ''solutions''?


Hello, I'm 19 years old and I'm have Borderline personality disorder. I saw your episode on Bi Polar disorder. You mention that BPD will be covered in a different Episode, which one? I would really appreciate if you could do an episode on ways to deal with this disorder.