Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Mast cells

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), which depending on the diagnosis criteria could impact an estimated 17% of people: What's your understanding of the literature on mast cell activation and what people can do to keep mast cells healthy?

Training for an Ultra Marathon

I’m a 34 year old late life runner (started in 2020). Since then I’ve ran a marathon and countless half’s, have a coach and a PT. This year (June), I will be running Comrades marathon in South Africa. I’m curious about any physiological, behavioral, or nutritional techniques/protocols from emerging literature on training and adaption for an 89K road race, with a time limit, in a different environment. Beyond cold showers, meditation for mental toughness, strength training, progressive loads, etc (all of which I already do). In a sense, if it were you training are there any experimental even fringe approaches you would try out? With the disclosure that I’m very happy to be a Guinea pig, I often say “my life is an experiment”. No dietary restrictions.

Visual Snow Syndrome

What do you believe to be the cause of Visual Snow Syndrome? How and why is it linked with Tinnitus? I was recently told by my ophthalmologist that this is what I was experiencing. It seems as if there’s very little research on the syndrome yet so many people have it. I’ve never had a traumatic brain injury, nor have I done hallucinogens. Can morning sunlight improve visual snow? If anything the sunlight seems to exacerbate my symptoms.


I am a PT and work with people who have Parkinson's disease and have for over 15 years. I love it but it can be challenging. The topic of dopamine comes up a lot and you mention several things that can enhance dopamine production. I work with a population that already has a large loss of dopamine. I'm talking like 80% of their dopamine producing cells have died. I'm wondering if some of the protocols you talk about in your podcasts about increasing dopamine will have the same affect on someone who has PD? I'm sure there will be no harm in trying some like cold exposure but not sure if someone who has PD will see the same benefits? Thanks and love your podcasts! Angee

At At what water temperature does a cold shower become ineffective?

At what water temperature does a cold shower become ineffective? I am taking skin and oral temperature readings in real time while showering. There is little difference between now and February. The water temperature has risen during that time from 60 to 64 degrees F.