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Best Protocol to get off of antidepressants.

My fiancé was in a horrible marriage for 20+ years. She was put on antidepressants almost 10 years ago. She and her therapist believe she should start considering coming off of them. Is there an ideal protocol to wean herself off of them, with the help of her doctor of course, and of course myself as well. I know it will have to be really, really slow and gentle. And i was wondering what sort of nutrition, exercise, and supplement protocols might be necessary.

Best protocol to remove kidney stone or to detox kidneys

Hi Dr. Huberman, I want to ask you something about kidneys, one of the pillars of good health. What is the best way to detoxify them, remove stones or calcification from them, and even try to increase filtration levels? Many thanks for considering my request. Nenad

Non-human sialic acid - Neu5Gc

You have mentioned frequently that you are an omnivore and eat all types of meat. I know a dietician who recommends against ingesting mammalian products (meat, cheese) because they contain large doses of non-human sialic acid, in particular Neu5GC. He argues the human body cannot synthesize this molecule, prompting an immune response from the body leading to chronic inflammation. What's the latest research on Neu5Gc? Here's one study, but there should be more: Should we only eat non-mammalian meat (chicken, turkey) and fish?

Is the PBC a CPG - and does the PFN override it?

PBC vs PFN Hi Andrew - It's Matt Jeffs DPT ('Buck' - the BIG yellow lab's Dad). Hope all is well. In my coursework for corporate clients, I often describe top-down breath work control of cognitive focus via the PFC. In recent episodes - and correct me if I'm wrong - I believe you've described the Parafacial Nucleus (PFN) as the mechanism for volitional control override of the Pre-Botzinger Complex (PBC). Does this render the PBC a Central Pattern Generator - as you've described other parts of the brainstem in previous episodes? Just trying my best to stay accurate with mechanism and nomenclature. Thanks as always. Oh - and 'Buck' says you need a big, strapping 'Huberman Lab' - just like him - to pal around with. Kindly, Matt

Tremors including Essential and Orthostatic

What is the latest research on essential tremors and orthostatic tremors? And what is a good website for information about tremors.