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Developmental Trauma / Complex PTSD / ACEs

There is a lot of content and discussion about trauma and PTSD as defined and recognized by the DSM 5th addition which I think is great. However, there isn't nearly enough conversation about the more prevalent, and severe type of trauma caused during early childhood by environmental failures (family dysfunction, socio-economic status, and many more). These are Developmental Trauma and Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I am referring to. The statistics found on the CDC website on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the negative lifetime outcomes they have on individuals in all aspects of their lives are staggering. Despite the sufficient amount of research linking Developmental Trauma and Complex PTSD to ACE's, Complex PTSD definition is not included in the DSM 5th addition. In contrast, the ICD 11th addition does recognize this disorder as a separate category of trauma. I believe that doing an episode about this topic to increase public awareness and discussion can be tremendously beneficial to literally tens of millions of people in the US alone.

Shopaholism & dopamine prediction error

How would you utilize dopamine reward prediction error in approaching a chronic shopping problem? Highly aware the reward (the item) is never as exciting as compared the process of shopping, the productivity felt in spending money, and the anticipation of the package arriving etc. but intellectually knowing this is not enough. How can you use knowledge of dopamine and reward seeking to stop shopping? Thanks!

Bariatric Surgery and Brain Health

Bariatric surgeries - sleeve and bypass - seem to have tremendous positive impact on the health of thousands of people: no more high blood pressure, diabetes and other obesity related diseases. I'd love an episode that tackles its long term impact on the brain or any other implications of these surgeries on health.

If I have easy access to a sauna, then how often should I use it?

I own a sauna. I have always tried to use it at least once a day for at least 20 minutes, at least 5 days a week, if not more. I never even thought about reducing usage until I listened to you talk about the massive effects that it can have on growth hormone with infrequent usage. I imagine that if my goal is to increase growth hormone then I should probably reduce my usage to just 1-3 times a week in relation to certain workout routines, but then I won't reap the benefits of more consistent sauna usage. Does all this come down to just a matter of preference and what the user is actually going for? Thank you.

Science of laughter.

Just watched a clip of Bert Kreischer laughing himself to tears. Of course I started laughing with him, even though I didn't know the joke. 1. What causes us to laugh uncontrollably? 2. Why is laughter contagious?