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Second hand smoking

How serious is second hand smoking? Is it different with vapes? Would I be overreacting if I told my friends that they aren't welcome to smoke around me?

Testosterone in women

How to increase safely testosterone in older women for athletic performance

Phone and Social Media

I tend to use my phone a lot throughout the day and almost instinctually grab my phone at times scroll social media without thinking about it. I am wondering some protocols to help this overuse? Also if you could go into the negatives of constant phone and social media use? Knowing the negatives could also help convince me to slow down. Thanks!

Combined therapy for chronic depression resistant to SSRI

Is there any evidence in adult patients with chronic depression not responsive to multiple SSRI/SNRI anti-depressants responsive to a combination of TMS + ketamine? Does the SAINT TMS approach used at Stanford + Ketamine work any better than traditional 3 minute TMS +Ketamine? Dr. G

Repatha for LDL cholesterol

I'm 77, male, and for my CVS risk, I am wondering whether to go on Repatha. My LDL and total cholesterol are normal, BP under good control and have no cardiac symptoms. My PCP, not to worry about adding Repatha to my 40 mg Lipitor. What's your general opinion about adding Repatha for elderly person like me. Of course, not asking you about me. Only info to discuss with my doctor.