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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Question/Episode idea: How to prioritize suggested protocols given time scarcity

Across Prof. Huberman's shows, he suggests many useful and important "protocols" for optimizing various health-related aspects. Most require some time and attention (be it looking at light or sitting in the sauna). Obviously the benefits from each vary. Can you address the issue of prioritising protocols/issues based solely on the bang per minute/hour metric? Ie deal with the time scarcity issue. (Holding financial issues aside).

Essential Tremors

If a person has essential tremors, that are not due to Parkinson's Disease, what are some natural treatments that may help? Is there any physical therapy and/or supplements that could possibly help reduce the tremors?

Asperger’s and ASD

Will there be an episode on autism, in particular ASD in high functioning Asperger’s adults?

Challenging material

Dear Dr Hubermann, I have noticed that whatever I learn something very challending (currently writing my Phd thesis), one very mean friend from university pops in my mind up. She was always the best and loved to demostrate it quit aggresively. So, normally I never think of her, but whatever I struggle to learn something really hard, she pops up. She or someone who was better than me. I have sometime the impression that my mind is fighting back, when I challenge it hard. Could it be? Thank you so much in advance. Greetings from Germany, Dana

Healthy habits for children to set and reach goals while fostering motivation

Building on you great episodes about goal setting, productivity tips etc, it would be helpful to have one focused more on how to build balanced protocols for children (lets say 7 years to 17 years of age) to help them set and reach goals while fostering motivation along the way. Additionally, if these protocols need adjustment for neuro-diverse children for instance those with autism, ADHD / ADD, OCD? Thank you for your insightful and practical content.