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Reducing Jet Lag

I am going to be traveling to South Africa next summer form Los Angeles. I am going to test the Timeshifter app that allegedly fights jet lag. They suggest the use of Melatonin which I know you do not recommend. I was wondering if it might be wise to substitute your sleep cocktail of Magnesium Threonate, Apigenin and Theanine? I hope you can answer this as it would be nice to feel somewhat normal and rested after a day of traveling.

How to give the dopamine system a factory reset?

Having read Anna Lembke’s book and listened to many of your podcasts regarding the dopamine system, i could not find any information or practical protocols about the desensitization from multiple dopamine-evoking activities and stimulants. Examples may include browsing the internet, fast food, social media, refined sugar, adult movies, listening to music, binging netflix etc... If one were to do a self-directed dopamine detox, should one really quit all substances/behaviors at once for e.g. 30 days for a full reset, or is there a more long term way, that is not so radical, but with the same outcome? And all that is also leading to the higher question above everything else: Is there a way to truly give the dopamine system a complete „factory reset“? Is this even practical in today's world, where everything is always available to us in unlimited quantity? Thank you so much, Andrew!

Advice for talking to doctors

Hey Dr. Huberman. I have trouble talking to my doctors about diet, supplementation, or other protocols that have been discovered fairly recently - it seems that most of the ones I come into contact with dismiss anything/everything about it. I've tried bringing in copies of research, but that seems to frustrate them more. Do you have any advice for finding a doc that is open-minded?

Consciousness and brain

In which part of the brain is consciousness located? And how do dopamine and other neurotransmitters influence our consciousness?

Effects of Concussion on the Brain

How does a concussion from a direct impact to the head effect the brain and what are the best things one can do to speed up the recovery?