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One set to failure

I am a 66 year old man recently getting back into weight training. I was trained back in the 80s on the nautilus - 1 rep to failure method and in fact knew Author jones and worked in lake helen, FL where he designed the machines. I have had periods of abstinence from training, recently just restarted up again after 15 or so years of not training. I have been back on for about 6 months and per usual, have had great gains in a short time. I am aware if the research showing that high volume is better that HIT, but my reading is that is generally within (or close to) the SEM (negligable or very little difference) when one set is compared to higher volume. (and failure if difficult for most, are they really working to failure?) When you and Dr Galpin recently discussed this (sort of ) u really passed it over as if there is clear evidence that multiset workouts are much superior (u talked about your early workout life and how adolescents can gain doing almost anything). You were both rather dismissive of the one set protocol. Futher, there are researchers and other pros that say working to TRUE failure can "damage the CNS". My guess is this contention is in context of multiset workouts to failure (cortesol spikes beyond other workouts and low HGH can occur ) isnt this really about too much volume and not enough recovery time? I work out for about 30 to 45 min, 3 times a week-whole body- with no warm up sets, and done. (this is 6 or so upper body and between 3 to 5 lower body all in one day, to failure or beyond- e.g. Drop sets, rest pause, assisted negatives on occasion) No injuries since starting (6 mo) and great gains, even at my age. Can you discuss and maybe clarify this one set idea compared to the volume protocol. Very few researchers study it and usually do so to prove volume is more effective. Isnt an effective, efficient way of weight training worth a good long look. And what about the contention by some that training to failure damages the CNS. I am unable to get access to full research papers on this but again i wonder if this is not an overtraining phenomenon. Sorry for the lengthy monologue. If you take the time to read it and do use it, feel free to edit liberally. I am in the process of doing a one person study (me) comparing but still, i struggle to know the best thing to do, what i learned and practiced thoughout my life or what the more recent researchers are saying. And if i am ultimately doing something that hurts me, especially due to my age (I have never done HIT at this age before) i want to know. Actually this has been a battle beteeen excercise factions since jones (and maybe before). Leif Davis, PsyD

Alt Therapy Options- Natural vs Assisted

Alternative Therapy options that are not the main stream and the research or studies within the realms of both natural and man made (substance based like ketamine, LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms). What do you know about Holotropic Breathwork? Suggestions for guests would be Hamilton Morris being a chemist- but also very knowledgeable in that realm of substances and the research/science but also how to fight the good fight from preventing compounds from being scheduled and the direct impact that has on research and science. Have you read Holotropic Breathwork? Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof. Curious on your thoughts/research and studies (if any) or as guests perhaps? ATP/Transpersonal Psychology non-ordinary states of consciousness. After hearing you on Tim Ferris and your experiences but the change of heart and mind on alternative assisted therapies such as MDMA/synthetic psilocybin. I was hoping as premium membership that perhaps maybe you could delve a little deeper into those topics. Even though there is more conversations happening around substances I feel it is still somewhat fringe but also incredibly difficult to research because the costs involved due to schedules, federal government vs state government, political agendas etc. I would love to know your own personal experiences with what has worked for you/involvement. Ps- I absolutely love the fact that your premium service raises money for research but more importantly that it be done on humans. Considering that the mice and rats that are experimented on were bred that way - specifically for docile behavior in the realms of testing/experimenting that after I learned that when you spoke to Tim Ferris I immediately signed up for this because in the digital age and how far technology has come and knowing there is a level of emotional understanding/intelligence yet we barely even know much about them either. Anyway thank you for this and doing the podcasts and teaching, putting yourself out there for what you believe in. It’s awesome. You are awesome.

Example of a weekly training routine to cover several adaptations

Based on the information from the Guest Series with Andy Galpin, we are trying to adapt our weekly training schedule in order to cover the following adaptations: strength, hypertrophy, muscle endurance, anaerobic capacity and aerobic capacity. Could you please propose a 4 day weekly training routine which would cover (as much as possible) all the above adaptations?

Hypothyroidosis / Hashimoto

I've been diagnosed with Hashimoto 10 years ago and my results are very stable. I am vegetarian (no meat, no fish) which means that I eat a lot of beans, soy (tofu, tempeh, edamame) and eggs to make sure my protein intake is sufficient. As a result I get bloated a lot. What are the things I shouldn't do / shouldn't eat and can I stay healthy on a vegetarian diet?

Acceptable blood sugar level when trying to maintain the fasted state.

When trying to maintain a fasted state until the feeding window start time of 12 Noon, I’m having a tough time giving up my coffee with stevia, 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil, 1 teaspoon cream, and a pinch of cocao (x3 and all between the 90 min-after-awakening time and before 10AM of course and after a 500 mg dose of Berberine). My fasting glucose is between 86 and 94 and after ingesting the coffee recipe above it ranges 96-106. Does the literature support a range of blood sugar that would be likely to sustain the benefits of the fasted state? Mornings are pretty tough with these changes and I’m hoping to avoid requiring even greater discipline in order to obtain the advantages of the 16 hr fasting window. Thanks for what you do. I find it extremely valuable even as an MD boarded in Internal medicine and Integrative Medicine. I admit that I listen on 1.5 speed but your friendly professorial style and approach facilitates a remarkably painless practical application of complicated subject matter. You are quite adept at synthesizing and reinforcing important , interrelated and useful concepts, explaining complex biophysiological processes in a palatable manner that is also evidence-based. Well-done! Cheers