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Joint performance guest expert - Keith Baar

I'd love to here you interview Dr. Baar about joint performance for athletics.

Sport-specific performance

I'd love to hear you do a deep dive on specific sports. I bet there'd be a lot of interest, especially for the most popular sports (e.g. football, basketball, baseball etc.).

Sport-specific performance

I'd love to hear you do a deep dive on specific sports. I bet there'd be a lot of interest, especially for the most popular sports (e.g. football, basketball, baseball etc.).

Nature of dreams, only biological or placebo-like?

Hi Andrew! I'm excited to have gotten access to this AMA section, I've always been fascinated about dreams and most of the time I get the common response from people that they don’t dream or remember their dreams, I noticed that when I started writing my dreams the amount of dreams I had or could remember increased a lot which brings me to the question: are dreams a biological process that HAS to happen every night or are dreams affected by how important they are to us? I actually have lots of questions in this topic since I want to understand more about the brain activity during these states of consciousness, I've been able to have lucid dreams multiple times so I'm curious why if my conscience is active as if I'm awake I still manage to wake up with a feeling of having rested all night.

Changes in taste of semen/ejaculate

Awkward question, but what are the primary causes of a change in the taste of semen/ejaculate, even day to day? I understand that certain foods can change the taste such as broccoli making it taste worse, and citrus/pineapple making it taste sweeter. My partner has indicated that, even across 2 days, the taste can change dramatically, becoming bitter, with no known change in diet. Can supplements change the taste?