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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Your views on the theories of Dr Bruce Lipton

Hi Andrew, Your podcast is #1 on my list (ahead of Rogan) hence my susbscription. I would be interested to understand your thoughts on the theories of Dr Bruce Lipton. Specifically around the the claim "that human beliefs control human biology rather than DNA and inheritance" Thank you for all you do.

vagus nerve implants

You have mentioned a few times that we shouldn't aim to stimulate the vagus nerve. However, in IEEE Spectrum's Jan. 2023 issue there was an article about vagus nerve implants to help relieve symptoms for diseases such as arthritis and MS. Can you comment on this and related scientific literature?

10,000 lux light box versus sun

I have one of those light boxes generally used by people with seasonal effective disorder. It's called Northstar 10,000 and advertised as 10,000 lux. It's often cloudy or rainy where I live in Redmond (near Seattle). Which is better for a circadian reset, cloudy sky or 10,000 lux light?

TRT and Male Infertility

Is there a risk of Testosterone replacement therapy causing permanent infertility. If so, how high is the risk and what strategies can one take to prevent it?

Retrain toilet reflex. 💩

Is there any method to avoid/ pause the reflex of having to go to the restroom when there is a need and as soon as you are in proximity of a restroom? It feels as if the body subconsciously knows these places and ad extra pressure (when it's not always the right timing).