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Putting it all together

Big fan. Different people have different goals. Even so, has an effort been made to synthesize as many of the podcast protocols as possible in a calendar or journal or app? It’s a lot to remember.If you generate one, I’ll buy it and I’m not alone.


I started listening Jan 2023, with podcast No.1 in sequence, and yesterday the passing of Costello was brand new for me as a listener. Thank you for that candid window into grief and loss you showed in the following episode, and please accept my condolences a year and a half late.

Kettle Bells - Is there a problem? Momentous abusive email

Dr. Huberman, I have a question about exercise methods. It appears from several comments that you are not a fan, perhaps even somewhat disdainful of Kettlebells and the various swings, goblet squats, get ups and presses promoted by outfits such as Strong First. I think one comment had some joke about "gravity" in it. In any event, could you make a case for what is right or wrong with Kettlebells as a means to develop strength and the other 8 attributes of training (paid close attention to your discussions with Dr Andy Galpin)? I ask because I've been using them for several years with pretty good results, and due to the size of my home gym, they seem to offer the widest range of options. Thanks in advance for your opinion. On another note, I've purchased several supplements from Momentous based upon your recommendation. The Creatine Monohydrate has affected my mental alertness and energy, and the Tongat Ali had a rather dramatic and immediate effect on aspects which I believe are related to T level. So I love the product. However, I hate the company. They won't stop mailing me junk every day. I have several email interactions with them where they apologize and swear I have been removed from the marketing list, and then the next day I get another email. I'd block the domain if I did not want to continue to purchase the products. Its a bit abusive and I thought you should know how disrespectful or your listeners they are. I mentioned in one email how I'd come to Momentous, but it appears not to have made any difference at all. Thanks for your work. You've greatly improved my life. I shared your podcast on Alcohol with a friend who drank too much and thought he was not hurting himself. After listening to your podcast he quit drinking. Amazing. And again, thank you!

Does lemon juice harm the probiotics in Athletic Greens AG1?

Lemon juice is a preservative. It is even used to cook raw fish when making ceviche, so I have a difficult time believing that it doesn't harm AG1's probiotics when mixed in. And before you can say "but they make it through stomach acid just fine", that isn't true. High quality probiotics come in an acid-resistant capsule. And most quality probiotics are either refrigerated or packed in nitrogen, so I have to really wonder about an unrefrigerated, exposed powder that has had lemon juice mixed in. Lastly, it is nice to meet someone else named Andrew who has more than a passing interest in neuromiscellaneous.

cold exposure after weight training

how detrimental is cold exposure post lift? i know it hurts strength and hypertrophy.. however, if it is the only time we can do it, how detrimental? goals are not aligned with any bodybuilding or ironman competitions…