Ask Me Anything

with Huberman Lab Premium

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Are obsessive or intrusive thoughts (esp of harm or violence) easily misdiagnosed as MDD or BPD and not diagnosed/treated as OCD?

Could doctors be perceiving periods marked by higher incidence or severity of the individual’s obsessive or intrusive thoughts as mood swings and therefore evidence of BiPolar Disorder or Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)” and therefore treat the individual for depression instead of OCD (where OCD treatment might be more effective)?

Distilled water, not necessary or not recommended?

Hi! If someone's main source of water is Distilled, should they care about supplementing minerals like calcium and magnesium or proper nutrition will be enough? We also often hear that drinking distilled water might deplete the body from minerals. To my understanding, that would have caused a lot of problems to humans who evolved in regions where they heavily relied on rain water to survive?

How to heal eye strain?

I've been struggling to heal from a bad case of eye strain. The initial cause of the injury was using a TV as a monitor for 2 weeks for work (at the time I didn't know how terrible of an idea that was). I've gotten about 50% better but I still get headaches every day at work and can't look at my computer or phone after work hardly at all. It's been 2 months, and of course the injury itself makes it difficult for me to spend time searching for a solution. I was hoping you might have some advice for me about: 1) any supplements that might help my eye muscles recover 2) any exercises or protocols for healing this type of injury (e.g. heat, stretches, rest to exercises ratio, etc) 3) any experts or likely experts you may know of on this topic so that I can learn from them Thank you, I really appreciate your help on this

When do you post an answer

I sent several questions on March 24, 2023. When can I expect an answer?

What are your thoughts on yoga being a part of an overall fitness and health foundation?

Yoga is great for the mind, body and soul. One of the perceived meanings of yoga is literally "union", so some interpret the goal of yoga to bring mind, body and soul into union. Where does this fit within the foundation of being healthy overall? Also, I am incredibly curious of your thoughts on hot yoga. Are there any useful data on hot yoga? Thanks!