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with Huberman Lab Premium

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You talk a lot about PCOS, alternatively more and more women are suffering from Endo. What are some recommendations for natural ways (ie. Supplements, diet, environmental) interventions to manage hormones instead of birth control. We know elevated estrogen is the root cause. Does progesterone and testosterone levels play a role?

Immune system support for parents with small children?

Any suggestions for parents or care-givers who are constantly exposed to viruses from children? I am a 42-year-old mother of three young boys who are constantly brining colds and viruses home from school. Even though I consider myself to be extremely “healthy” and proactive, I always manage to pick up what my kids bring home, and oftentimes it takes me days to recover. During the school year this translates to me feeling some varying degree of sick or “run down” 1-2x a month. I have always exercised 5 days a week, eat well (protein, fruit, veggies, complex carbs, low sugar), follow your protocols for sunlight etc., and take supplements. When I feel something coming on, I up my zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and rest (as much as possible). Any advice on ways to avoid getting sick (what feels like) all of the time?

Maintaining well being being Coeliac

I’ve recently been diagnosed as Coeliac and I am adjusting to this diagnosis. I’m a fit 24 year old male living in Australia and this has been quite an adjustment, given a big diet shift and energy depletion. I’ve begun with some supplementation surrounding vitamin B12, which I’m low on. Do you have any tools or recommendations about how to adjust to this new lifestyle and how to accept that my body is slowly recovering? I’m a big runner and finding my recovery time / performance is depleted. Thanks for your guidance!

Commuting cycling risks from air pollution

Long time listener, first time asking a question! Recently in your discussion with Peter Attia, air pollution was raised as a key risk for brain and overall health. What’s your view on commuting cycling? I often smell diesel and other combustion engine exhaust fumes on my commutes. What precautions do you think someone should take? Thanks for all that you and your team do🙂


I believe that many people would appreciate if you give us the neuroscience of intention