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EBV Chronic Infection

My husband and I have been trying to get to the bottom of his, seemingly random, health issues for years--Raynaud's Syndrome/phenomenon, painful, pea-sized masses that show up on his fingers and toes that come and go, swelling of two of his fingers to the point of non-use, chronic fatigue and brain fog that also seems to be intermittent. Bi-annual blood work over the past 18 months has shown constantly elevated levels of EBV Early Antigens pointing to "reactivation" of this virus while showing negative results for RA, Lupus and any allergies. After many Youtube hours of watching (usually thickly-accented) foreign doctors explain the antibody types, citrullination and CD8+ T cells, I seem to have hit my biology threshold and am looking for more digestible sources of information. After reading a number of studies about CAEBV and it's link to myelin protein and possible MS diagnosis down the road I am concerned and looking for help. We are extremely proactive and follow many of your wellness protocols each day. We would love any direction on sources of information or additional new findings within this arena of auto-immunity.

Heat & Cold Exposure “Anecdata”

Dear Dr. Huberman & Team, I wanted to share some personal observations from experimenting with heat and cold exposure techniques you discuss on your podcast, while also grounding them in the scientific mechanisms you have outlined. While cold plunges or ice baths are not accessible for everyone, I have found that extending heat stress from sauna use with hot showers can provide some benefits. Specifically, after leaving a sauna, taking the hottest shower I can safely tolerate and directing the water at the posterior neck region (which you refer to as the body's 'thermostat') appears to prolong the physiological effects of heat exposure. Then abruptly switching to the coldest shower setting, especially while continuing to apply cold to the neck, seems to amplify the effects further. These techniques have correlated with more pronounced improvements in mood and relaxation for a period after, akin to what you describe from cold plunge effects. While this could be partly due to expectation effects (as psychologist Ellen Langer has proposed), it also aligns with the mechanisms of heat/cold adaptation you have discussed, including increased norepinephrine and dopamine release. In summary, for those without access to dedicated cold exposure setups, deliberately manipulating water temperature and directing application to the neck may provide a way to maximize the impacts of sauna use and hot showers. Of course, these techniques would need to be tested rigorously to determine their efficacy and safety. But I hope this anecdotal experience may provide ideas for your community to explore further. Thank you again for the wealth of science-based insights you provide. Sincerely, Chad Dixon

Are NAC & GSH safe? Seeking expert opinion on clinical linking to tumor growth

Hi Dr. Huberman- Many people take the antioxidant NAC to help with addiction, hangovers, and other maladies. I just read the clinical below and would GREATLY appreciate your opinion on the research &/or input from a colleague who studies oncology. Does this research appear credible and if so, do you or a colleague have an opinion on implications beyond people with liver cancer? I have been giving my son NAC for a decade to help reduce hair-pulling (trich) and skin picking and I take it myself. Published: 19 December 2021 Antioxidant supplements promote tumor formation and growth and confer drug resistance in hepatocellular carcinoma by reducing intracellular ROS and induction of TMBIM1

Classroom lighting

At the middle school where I teach, almost every classroom is darkened because projectors are being used. They continue in darkness for ambience. Mine is fully lit because I believe that helps with circadian rhythms. What is the correct approach in order to help with circadian rhythms, mental focus, and sleep at night?

H pylori

Would like input on treatments/diet other than antibiotics.