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with Huberman Lab Premium

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Food related inflammatory response

Could you please provide insight and scientific facts related to the body’s inflammatory response including diseases like celiac?

NSDR app

I know you recommended YouTube on your recent AMA, but are there any iOS yoga Nidra/NSDR apps you like?

Tools and tips for the upkeep of dopamine after coming off addiction

First and foremost, Dr. Huberman, the information you provide is invaluable. Thank YOU for reigniting my interest in science, and for all of the tools you have provided for increasing the quality of our lives. My question; Knowing what you know about dopamine and all of the related brain processes, what would your routine be if you found yourself having to come off of an addiction which is the source of most, if not all of your pleasure throughout the day? How would you tweak or trick your brain into re-learning how to crave and find pleasure in life without substances? (Assuming you could safely cold turkey or taper).

Magnesium in sports drinks

how important is magnesium as an ingredient in sports drinks for hydration and recovery? I see a lot of brands with sodium and potassium but not many with magnesium

autoimmune diseases

Please provide protocols for Lupus and other types of autoimmune diseases to relieve symptoms for those with recently diagnosed and suspected of having the disease. Specifically people just starting to be treated for the disease where the physician is basically guessing what type of medication will work on symptoms.