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Magnesium glycinate and magnesium threonate together

Presently, I take magnesium glycinate every evening. It works very well for me to stay asleep. Can I add Mg threonate to my routine to improve my cognitive function or split the dosages? I am a healthy, active, clean 69 year old female. Unfortunately, I take blood pressure and cholesterol medication along with the lowest dosage of an SSRI. Thorougly enjoying following you on your podcasts these past many years! Kind regards.

HPA Axis + immune system

There is a missing piece in my understanding of how HPA activation can turn into physical syndromes such autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia or simply likelihood of getting sick after stress. I am a psychologist and often see people struggling physically after a period of stress has relented.

Is Metformin really effective for longevity?

My doctor gave me a Rx for Metformin. I am a young 68 year-old w/o diabetes. So I'm excited to results and am using Inside Tracker to check. However, my doctor said the recent evidence isn't showing as strong of a benefit as has been touted. Can you address this? Thank you. I appreciate all your content and great work! Also, I'm sharing all your good stuff with my mental health patients! Regards, Wendy Perry LPC

Soy -- Yea or Nay

How much soy is ok? I've been upping my protein as a vegetarian, which has me consuming about 60grams of protein per day of soy. Is that too much?

Audio books vs Reading for Comprehension

Dr. Huberman - From a learning and comprehension perspective, is there a difference between listening to a book, vs. actually reading it? Thank you