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Optimal Sunshine Viewing & The Best Artificial Light Substitution Options

Dr. Huberman, thanks to you, I have a much better understanding of the critical importance of supporting our circadian rhythms, sleep, rest and repair through the optimal viewing and timing of sunshine or bright light exposure. I am exceedingly grateful for your work and there is not enough space or time to adequately thank you. I wake at 4:30 a.m. to swim/exercise before work. Additionally, I live in the Great Northwest. The sun and I do not usually meet until more than a few hours after I wake. I would appreciate your response to the following questions to help me (and others who are curious) maximize the use of the tools you have recommended. ** Brace yourself. Here begins the longest question, consisting of supporting questions, destined to find the inside of your digital trash receptacle if it catches your during a dearth of dopamine. ** ARTIFICIAL LIGHT SOURCES AND LED PANELS: 1) When using an artificial light panel, what is the optimal & minimal light intensity (in lux)? (Mine is 15,000 at its highest setting.) 2) How close should you be to the light source to derive benefit (considering the inverse square law)? (2 feet was recommended by Dr. Google, but that doctor's advice is not always well researched.) 3) You've recommended placing the light source above the visual horizon. This does not always work on a desk, though I use a portable tripod to address this. Is there also benefit to having this light source placed below my sight-horizon, e.g., when the light sits on my desk? Might I offset the attenuated results though longer exposure? 4) Are there considerations regarding using too much of this light during the day regarding eye strain and potential adverse effects of LED light exposure to the retina? (This question regarding the potential harm of LED light was asked previously. My apologies if you have already answered it.) 5) Is it beneficial to use the additional bright light source during the day if my energy is waning a bit or for other health purposes? (Again, I am slightly concerned and wary of creating eye strain when the light sits obliquely off to the side when I'm doing computer work.) 6) Regarding optical and brain stimulation, would it be important to alternate sides regarding the location of the oblique / indirect light source? (Placed on the right side one day, on the left side on the other.) 7) Are there differences related to color of light used, specifically I have a light that has 4 different whitish colors, ranging from more bluish (natural light tones) to more warmer, yellow hue to which I am naturally more drawn, and which feels easier on the eye. PART 2 - SUNSHINE EXPOSURE 1a) I believe you said that wearing corrective lenses (contacts / glasses) is effective wrt viewing sunshine, but viewing through windows is not advised? Is this because of the potential UV blocking coating on a window? If so, what about the UV coating on my glasses? If a window does not have UV coating, such as the old windows in my basement where I often exercise, does the window glass still unacceptably diminish the benefits? 1b) If I wear my transition glasses (which darken in sun), there is light that enters from above the rims of my medium height glasses. Does this counteract the darkening effects of the lenses or am I simply losing too much of the benefit by generally diminishing the overall light stimulating my photoreceptors. (I can simply wear another pair of unshaded glasses if the impact is significant.) 2) My LED light panels claim as a feature they do not generate UV. Dr. Google has said this is important. If UV is an important component (I do not yet know whether it is), would this diminish the benefit of these panels. 3) Without asking you to endorse a particular light panel product, I would appreciate your general advice on features to look for in a light panel. Unsurprisingly, as of March 2023, the Amazon marketplace is flooded with relatively inexpensive panels (mine was 26$), touting many claims of quality. 4) When I cannot get out into the sunlight within an hour (or two or three) from my wake-up time, does it benefit or throw off my circadian to view the direct sunlight later in the day, at midday, for example? (My question is to ask specifically as this pertains to supporting circadian rhythm and quality sleep. Clearly, there are many more benefits to being exposed to natural sunlight which likely offset any potential circadian rhythm unbalancing effects.) Phew! That was more than a mouthful. I hope you can address some of these points in a future AMA episode. I cannot thank you enough for the information you regularly review, synthesize and communicate in extremely digestible and actionable portions. I am thankful I was introduced to your work this year. It is making a huge difference in my life and the lives of others with whom I share this information. Sincerely, Dan Greenlee

Unable to sleep more than 5 in hours in a day

I would like to try the below supplements, but can I go for any brand or is there any specific brand that I need to buy from? I had lower  little lower backpain issues a part from that everything is fine , could you please suggest me should how can i improve sleep by using below supplements 145 mg Magnesium Threonate or 200 mg Magnesium Bisglycinate 50mg Apigenin 100-400mg Theanine (3-4 nights per week, I also take 2g of glycine and 100mg of GABA.)

Episode on Dyslexia

I would like to understand why some kids have Dyslexia even with a high IQ. Research done. The connection between slow processing speed and Dyslexia? Exercises that might help, sports, supplements? Can they survive college?

Babies, toddlers and kids cognitive development using science based tools

Hi Andrew, I have a 3 month old baby. From development point of view, he has started recognising us and smiling back. He pay attention to things for longer and respond to our chat with a gurgles. I have heard that children learn more during their first 5 years than at any other time of their life. As a parent, grand parents, uncle or aunt, what tools and techniques one can use for better development of cognitive, social, language, physical and emotional abilities within a baby and during first 5 years of children life? Thanks

Foods for vitality, Healthspanand longevity

Food is an integral part of daily life. However, some food like red meat are classified as carcinogenic whereas some food are called super foods. What makes certain food carcinogenic and others extremely good for the body. What type of food we should eat or avoid to prevent or treat various chronic, degenerative health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental health disorders, and more. Are there any recommended health-promoting foods to eat each day from an extensive list of fruits, vegetables, seafood, legumes, whole grains, nuts/seeds, and cheeses for vitality, Healthspan and Lifespan?