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Fasting and foods to help not break it.

I really appreciate your time and energy you have committed to your podcast. I am a type I diabetic, diagnosed at age 13 and I am now 52 years old with no kidney disease, no eye degeneration (that is detected), and it is because I am an active female who has managed my diet. I have the insulin pump, the continuous glucose monitoring system (CGM) and I regularly check my blood sugar. I am relaying this information because I have heard of non diabetics using the CGM for their knowledge base (yourself included). I'd like to know, partly out of curiosity and to define "free" foods more accurately. As a type I, the ADA provides, celery, pickles, sugar free foods, are "free" foods, but the truth is, I have seen elevations of my blood sugar, limited, yes, but more with black coffee than celery. So, does coffee break my fast? Does eating celery really break my fast?

Mapped the Brain

I don't have a question but I just wanted to say that...30,000 notes later and after many years of "taking notes" on a live human brain, I believe I discovered the brain's map (also known as the connectome). I of course did not slice open a brain and map each single neuron, but since I am in the process of a writing a book that includes this map, all I can share is at this point is via using a behavioral method ion a live human brain is that there is a hardwired map in the human brain & it is the same in everybody. Thank you

pets + HRV

Can owning a pet improve heart rate variability? Thanks

USMC Veteran Operant Conditioning to repair TBI

I will try to keep this short because what I'm about to say is blowing my mind. I was diagnosed TBI PTSD from the veterans administration after I got out from serving the Marine Corps from 2008 to 2013. I spent 2 years in Afghanistan and half of a year in Africa. Living in pretty much any burn pit you could imagine. When I was younger I played a lot of contact sports, I currently am 35, and because of those contact sports I've had over probably 300 shots to the head. I've had five to 10 hospitalized concussions. I've been diagnosed ADHD with bipolar two type hypomania episodes. I've received eight different diagnoses over the past 8 years within private practice in regards to my mental health. So I said f*** it, I guess I'll just find out. I'm a open source intelligence analyst who has spent the last 20 years on the internet, understanding how to use language and linguistics to map out just simple concepts. Long story short, I think I fixed my inability to retrieve long-term data storage using short-term tools. Meaning I watch a ton of stuff on the internet, took a bunch of ideas and tied it down to four concepts just kind of using the bloom's knowledge graph thing. So pretty much I found out how to stim myself and ground myself in the four D.O.S.E in the pre frontal Neuro Cortex. Essentially I use four different data points. Stage one is hypothesis, stage 2 is established control, stage 3 is a sign variables, stage 4 is conclusion, and then the fifth stage is what I feel about the data. Pretty much I reverse engineered the advertising strategies to try and evoke memories and nostalgia to try to create a way to remap my brain. So what's interesting and is why I need to talk to someone because it's getting a little weird and I'm at the point where I need to hand my research off, because I have all the documents and a structured format, to someone that is smarter than me because I don't know where to go from here. I've been a heavy binge drinker from 2008 to 2022. I was a heavy bench drinker, I can prove it because I went back through my financial records and mapped out each beer transaction to a bunch of other symptoms of traumatic brain injury and bipolar two type disorder. I use social media, my text messages, my general data and my search terms,. I then use natural language processing to map out all the data into a a graph database. So pretty much what I'm trying to do is nostalgia bait myself into remembering a machine learning tool that I created to retrieve a memory from long-term storage. I gamified the process by tokenizing language that rewards one of the dose inhibitors. I then used the idea that since music is around 3 to 3 and 1/2 minutes that I have to keep the concepts of the things I'm trying to relate to four concepts, anything outside of four and anytime spent outside of four minutes. You can't go back to retrieving the information because the tool that you're using to store something in long-term storage hasn't retrieved enough data inputs to create the tool needed to make an efficient system. So what's crazy is that I can remember everything. Before I had no idea and no ability to retrieve anything from long-term storage. I had the ability to quickly absorb information, but I couldn't recall anything from short-term. So if I didn't write anything down or find a way to associate it via meme or nostalgia bait, I couldn't remember it. I can prove this using natural language processing. And yeah it's crazy. I've always been interested in neuroscience but I can't get to college because if I don't get structured dopamine and all that I fail. I barely graduated high school. I was 515 out of 528. I think of 1.8 GPA. My grade point average in the college that I barely was interested in was probably 2.0. I stopped having a high GPA right after my first concussion when I was probably in middle school. Yeah at this point I'm in the broscience level of handing it over to someone and I have all the research. I just need someone to go through it and talk to in the format that I'm trying to tell them in. Yeah so the problem is I'm using speech to text and you can see my patterns changing because I'm focusing or I'm changing my focus where my focus is my stim. Once I leave that focus I just dumped the entire process and try and nostalgia bait my way into remembering that through relationship mapping using nostalgia bait IE tokenized language. If someone wants to hit me up let me know. This is wild. I was also recently committed to a temporary holding facility for someone exhibiting suicidal ideations. Just got out yesterday. A bunch of people was seeing social media data that I had put out where all I did was do a similarity score based on the symptoms and then just started seating information. I started this 10 years ago. I've been researching this for 20 years. And yeah my head hurts thinking about it because every time I touch concrete I get a headache and it's a killer headache. Like I feel like I'm having some seizure. Yeah so if anyone wants to hit me up my name is Kevin Brooks. Can find me on LinkedIn. I am the original bad boy of LinkedIn. Hosting started because I got pissed off that someone was nostalgic baiting my nostalgia because they were trying to sell Roblox to my kid. And it's not even my genetic kid. It's my wife's kid so I'm her stepdad legally but I feel for her the same way I want a daughter. I don't want to pass on my DNA if I'm bipolar. If I'm just TBI then sure. But yeah man I'm yeah I'm at a loss. It's wild. Hit me up. Love you man

USMC Veteran Operant Conditioning to repair TBI PART 2

So here's the problem. I just changed my entire universe and perception and I forgot to say why I or what triggered me into doing this. I recently had a grandma seizure and when I got up I had a violent blood pressure change and I collapsed and my wife said I hit the concrete and she thought I'd died. I'm used to getting concussions now and when I woke up I wanted to fight her per usual. I had a headache for 3 and 1/2 weeks now and I don't know if it's a cluster headache or what but I kind of want to get this figured out because I think I might have f***** myself maybe?