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Stem cells

What is your perspective on stem cells and stem cell treatment?


I sweat more than anyone I know. I often sweat for food that isn’t even spicy but “hot”. Is this genetic? Never been able to find a reason or solution.

Does excessive lux from sunlight lamps too early before sunrise reset the circadian clock causing one to wake too early?

I get up at 4am and with the help of 2 sunlight lamps and mirrors to magnify them can get the Lux up above 60,000. Is it possible that this much, this early, is re-setting my clock causing me to not be able to sleep later?


What is the modern science on eating Ayurvedic for gut health and gut issues?

Proper siesta vs cat nap

Is it true that the only mammal that does not nap during their active part of the day is the human? Are there studies about the benefits not just of a cat nap but a proper siesta (defined as an at least 30' period of proper lying down and sleeping)